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I stayed in bed with Pam for a week. I didn't eat anything but I made sure Pam did. We were sleeping when Sean bursted in the room making us both scream. Which woke up Pam.

"Why'd you scream!" We both ask In unison.

"I scream because I thought you were a burglar!" I say "Why'd you scream?!" I ask

"Because you screamed. And damn this room smells horrid!" He says scrunching up his nose.

"What do you want?" I ask

"You two are coming on the 5sos tour with Me, Michael, Calum, Luke and Ashton." He yells.

"Awe whyyyy?!" I whine.

"I wanna go!" Pam giggled. She's like inlove with that band. I secretly am too but I'm not in the mood to meet them even though this is like the best day ever.

"Because I'm your legal guardian and I said so!" He said

"Ugh! Fine!" I said not in the mood for arguing.

"Ok well we leave on Saturday! Start packing!" He yells and goes back to his room. He's just as bummed as I am.

"Wait! Saturday!? That's the day after tomorrow! And I have school during there tour!" I yell

"Whatever. We're going to see them tomorrow night so you two can meet them. Ok? Ok." He said and I just groaned while Pam screamed.

"Pam please." I say covering my ears

"Sorry, Jada." She said kissing my cheek. She nick named me when she was 6 and we stuck to that. But I prefer Jade. My full name is Jayden Marie Pascanza. But some how I got nick names.

I washed my face and put on green jeans with a Rolling Stones shirts. It was Thursday and I haven't been in school all week and it's technically my last day so what the hell.

Pam decided to stay with Sean.

I got to school. Same as always people didn't even look at me.

I wasn't popular or unknown. I was average.

I got up to my locker and strolled through the halls.

This school was stereotypical. I was apart of the skater group even though I don't hang out with anyone here. I'm a loner. I'm an omega. I'm sorry I just had to say that!

I got to class and sat next to Brian Muller. I've been inlove with him since 5th grade. I never had a chance with him. He doesn't even no I exist.

"Hey Jade?" I hear a voice say. I turn to see Brian. Speak of the devil.

"Uh yeah?" I say calmly outside but screaming inside.

"Are the rumours true? I've heard A lot of people telling me that you like me. Is it true?" He asks and my heart popped out of my chest.(not literally)

"No. Well I don't think I do." I say laughing.

"Oh ok. I just wanted to clear that up." He said laughing.

"Haha. Ok." I say turning back around and letting out a huge breath.

Then, Mr. Haven started talking about the French Revolution.


Hope you enjoyed! If you like this story so far comment below! Thanks for reading!

-Jo Mahoney(Author)

B.F.B.M(Brother's Friend's Band Mate) <5sos/1D>Where stories live. Discover now