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Big Love - Fleetwood Mac


It was three days before our flight down to South Spain, where exactly I wasn't allowed to know. I had to be in London tomorrow, whilst the boys had a briefing with Simon. Harry had been in London for three days already, meaning I would meet him down there. Louis was bringing his girlfriend Eleanor, Liam was bringing Danielle, and Zayn was bringing Perrie. Niall, like Harry, was bringing a mate of his from home, I think her name is Maddie? Or Maisie? Shoot, I can't remember. I was happy that I wouldn't be the only 'friend' going. I had just finished work, and I was now packing into a rather large suitcase, unsure as what to take. I pulled out a pair of green and yellow striped wide leg trousers that I thought would be nice for an evening, as they would be cool around my legs. I picked various dresses, play suits, shorts, tops and shoes. Just as I was about to think about packing underwear and swimsuits, I had a message from Harry. Man, this boy has timing.

(1) New Message
From: Harry :)
Hey love! Very excited to see you tomorrow! Xx

To: Harry :)
Hello! Yes, I'm excited to see you too! I've missed you this week x

From: Harry :)
Bloody hell, you sent a kiss over text! Are we married??? Xx

I laughed at his text, him knowing better than anyone that I wasn't very affectionate over text. I had got into many arguments with Luke over this tendency. He always thought it was because I never truly loved him, but I simply didn't see the need to waste time typing loads of x's to a person.

To: Harry :)
Ha ha. You're so funny

From: Harry :)
I know, you'll get more incredible jokes whilst we're on holiday, babe x

To: Harry :)
Is it too late for me to pull out? I don't think I want to go if I've got your jokes for company.

From: Harry :)
Come on! You love my jokes! Especially the hula hoop one. X

To: Harry :)
You're mistaken, I'm just jealous you can make that popping sound and I can't.

From: Harry :)
Sure, babe. Sure x

From: Harry :)
When will you get here tomorrow? Are you driving or getting the train? X

To: Harry :)
Train probably, wouldn't want to leave my car in the city.

From: Harry :)
Okay, love. Will pick you up from station x

To: Harry :)
Okay, will be there about 12 then!

From: Harry :)
See you then, love xx

To: Harry :)
See you then x

I switched off my phone and turned back to my open drawers. I pulled out various bras and panties, making sure I had enough to suit each outfit. I turned to my swimsuit drawer and rifled through. Deciding on only needing one swimsuit and two bikinis, I picked my high leg, low back red swimsuit, which had a seahorse embroidered on the chest. I put it into the case, and picked out rose gold bandeau bikini top, and matching bottoms. It was simple, but made any sort of tan I had look better. It also made my boobs look insane. Smiling at the thought, I put that in my case too. I looked through the rest of the drawer, and pulled out the same bikini, only in white. These shapes of swimsuits suited my slightly curvier body shape. Once I was happy that I had packed everything I would need, I grabbed my black rucksack and packed a hand luggage bag, with a spare charger, my laptop and various other flight essentials. Then, I grabbed my pink handbag, and threw in some clothes I could wear in London, but leave at Harry's until we got back. Once I was finished, I ordered a pizza and switched on some Netflix in my room. Even though I still lived with my parents, I barely saw them as they often went out for dinner with friends. My pizza arrived as my episode of Friends finished so I went downstairs, and brought it back up to my room so I could watch another episode as I ate. Once I had finished I thought I would shower and prepare myself for my holiday. I waxed everywhere, knowing that if I did I wouldn't have to shave whilst I was away. I plucked my eyebrows and had a face mask, which all together took my about an hour. I didn't mind waxing myself, it didn't really hurt anymore and always made me feel fresh and clean. I had a shower afterwards to wash off any left over wax and my face mask. I was pretty tired after a long day of work and packing, so I decided to dry my hair and then head to bed. I set my alarm for seven as I had to be at the station at 8, closed my eyes and slowly drifted off.

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