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Rhinestone Eyes - Gorillaz (a/n a BOP)



Holy shit. She looked fit as hell when she came. Then, with the kiss we shared after, I realised something. I was falling for her, hard.

We went to sleep shortly after that, but the realisation of my feelings kept me awake longer than I wanted to be awake. I was so comfortable, with Florence sleeping under my arm and her head on my chest, but I couldn't help the nagging doubt that she wouldn't feel the same way. I twirled her hair through my fingers, her blonde waves soft against my calloused hands. She fell asleep pretty quickly, due to the alcohol she had drunk. Shit, what if she regrets it in the morning? Oh my God, I'm the worst best friend going. I'm pretty sure she was sober enough to consent, I mean, she did ask me to do something. Shit.


I woke up with a leg, an arm and a head resting over my body. Her hair was still entangled with my fingers. I had a slight headache from the wine, but nothing that a glass of water wouldn't fix. I wanted to move, but I didn't want to wake the sleeping girl in my arms. Clearly, my wanting didn't see through, as a few moments later she stirred in my arms, hugging herself tighter to my waist. She sighed, before her eyelids half opened.

"Morning, angel." I said, my voice groggy from not speaking.

"Hmmm, morning." She said, closing her eyes and hugging me again.

"No, don't go back to sleep! I'm hungry." I said, placing a kiss on her forehead. She sighed again, her eyelashes tickling my chest as she blinked.

"Okay, Fine. What are we having?" She said, looking around as if breakfast would magically appear.

"We can go to the kitchen and I'll make you something." I said, smiling at her.

"Okay, but we need clothes first." She said, pushing off my chest and getting out of bed. Her cute bum waggled and she bent down to pick up my shirt. My morning wood was now becoming uncomfortable. She slipped the shirt on, her tan legs poking out beneath the hem. "I'm going to get pants from my room, I'll see you in the kitchen." She said, kissing my cheek as she left my room. Well, shit. That was a good wake up. But now I have a *cough* problem to deal with.


I woke up to a hard chest. Shit. Fuckity fuck. I can't believe I let that happen last night, and that I wanted it, and I kind of want it again. I knew we were both naked, but I was so comfortable. When I left to get clothes, I knew he was staring at my arse, but the attention felt kind of nice. I know we need to talk about what happened, but I'm enjoying this kind of dream state we're living in. I walked back to my own room, glad I wasn't on the same corridor as Louis and Eleanor. I rifled through my suitcase, having not been able to unpack it yet, for some shorts. I pulled out a pair of black running shorts with white trimming, and slipped them on. I wiped the excess makeup from my skin and brushed my wavy hair, and went to meet Harry in the kitchen.

Walking into the open planned space, I saw a bare back standing at the oven, his phone plugged into the speaker and his hips moving slightly to the beat. His head bobbed along to the song and he would occasionally hum or sing bits of the song. He had always done this when cooking, he said it was relaxing for him. I wondered to the island, sitting on a bar stool and grabbing an orange from the fruit bowl. I could see Harry was standing over a frying pan, and I think he was cooking eggs due to the smell. He turned to get plated from the cupboard and finally noticed me sitting there.

"Hey." He said, getting the plates out, ready to dish up.


"Uh, I made scrambled eggs, but if you just want that then that's fine." He said, pointing to my orange.

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