Ch.01 - Another Day

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It was another typical morning and inside a nearby apartment, a cellphone starts buzzing off, right around 7:00 in the morning. Then a hand reaches out from under the covers and slowly aims for the snooze button, pressing it to be turned off. "(Yawn) man....what a night..." A voice says as a young man named (Y/N). You started rising up from your sleep and stretches your arms out. "Man, feels so good to stretch." You says as you sat up from your bed, put on your attire, and walked on over to the bathroom to freshen up for the day. Then you grab your wallet and keys as you head out the door, locking it behind. The job you work at, wasn't far though. Just about 6 to 7 buildings down from your apartment and walking is good for you. "Well, time for another day on the job..." You say to yourself as you proceeded inside Fred's Arcade. The only things you do there on the job was washing the arcade game screens and picking up trash bits.

-Timeskip, after work-

It was close to quitting time since the last few kids left the arcade. "Hey (Y/N)!" Your boss, Fred, calls out to you. "Yeah, boss?" You asked him. "Listen I need you to take care the last of these two bags of garbage and put them in the dumpster in the back. And don't worry about the doors, I'll deal with them." He says as he continues checking things from behind the counter next to the register. "Ok then." You tell him as you place the cleaning stuff back into the supply closet and grabbed the two bags. Then you head outside toward the back of the arcade building with the bags and proceeded to the dumpster. "Here we go." You say as you tossed the bags into the dumpster and head back to the front door, where Fred was locking the place up for the day. "Well, that's that. Oh and here's your paycheck." He says as he hands you a check for $275. "....Don't you think this is a bit much, sir?" You asked him. "Nah. Thought it would be something to keep you covered for a few months or so. Anyways, see you first thing next week." He tells you as he heads to his car and drives off, leaving you to your thoughts.

"Hm. Guess it's better than nothing." You say to yourself as you started to walk your way back to your apartment. As you continue walking down the sidewalk, passing a few garbage cans and then a small filthy metallic gold object, almost wrapped in old rags, reflects some light from the evening sun and shines up to your eye, nearly blinding you. "Aah!...... Huh?" You say confusingly as you turned your head to the source. You walk up to the bin to find what reflect the light to your face and you picked it up. "What is this?" You asked yourself. Then you start unwrapping the rags off and noticed what it is.

 Then you start unwrapping the rags off and noticed what it is

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' antique lamp...' You thought to yourself. "Why would this be thrown away for? .......Probably someone who doesn't have a taste for antiques." You say as you looked around. Without a second thought, you shrugged and took the opportunity to take the antique lamp with you as you place it in your jacket while you continue to head back to your place.

Soon, you made it back to the apartment, undetected. "Well, at least that was an interesting day by far..." You say as head inside, walked toward the door which was B12, unlocking it, and you walk inside, closing it behind.  Then you set your keys and wallet to a nearby bowl, and more importantly, you pull the lamp out of your jacket and set it on the coffee table. You head to the kitchen to preheat some leftover pizza you had from the other day. After that, you sit down on your comfy couch with your plate of pizza and you turn on your television to see what's on, as you flip through the channels. "Wonder what's good on TV? ......It's like there's nothing good coming up." You say as you flip across a certain movie that was about to start. "Oh! Disney's Aladdin. That's a good one...and right on time, too." You say as you've checked your watch and set the remote down to watch the movie start.

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