It all starts out with you were heading back to your apartment until you noticed a small lamp in a garbage bin, that was thrown away. With second thoughts, you take the lamp back to your place and set it on coffee table. You inspect it for a moment...
After you made a decision during upon your first meeting with your genie friend, Shantae, she waits for you to say the right words. "So, master (Y/N)... What do you say?" She asked you. "Well then, Shantae... I wish for you to bring this lady to life, naming her Zoe as my girlfriend." You say those words as Shantae's ears twitch with excitement. "Your wish is my command, master (Y/N)!" She says happily and with the snap of her fingers, a huge puff of smoke comes out from the artwork and lands softly on the floor, forming the body of a beautiful young woman with exact features from the artwork.
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Once the smoke clears up, she turns around to face you. "Hello (Y/N)." She says. "....Wow...It's really you." You say with amazement. "Yes. It is. I've always wanted to meet you and be with you." She says happily. "Me too... Zoe." You say as she walks up to you, wraps her arms around your neck and gives you a kiss on your lips for a few minutes. "Looks like you two are enjoying yourselves." Shantae says with a smirk. Then, out of nowhere, your stomach and Zoe's stomach started to growl, which nearly made you both a bit embarrassed. "Guess we're both hungry for something." Zoe says with a giggle. "I guess..." You say, blushing from embarrassment, then turn to Shantae. "Hey Shantae? Do you think you can spruce something up for us to eat?" You ask her. "Of course I can. What would you like to have?" She asked. You think of something, until the first thing popped into your head. "How about some pizza? That ok with you, Zoe?" You ask her as she nods. "Sure. I could use some tasty pizza." She says as you agreed and then turned back to Shantae. "Shantae... I wish I had a large pepperoni pizza...with extra cheese... Oh! And a large bottle of soda to go with it." You say those words as Shantae's ears perk up. "Your wish is my command, master!" She says as she snapped her fingers and then for a moment, nothing happens. "....Huh. Nothing happened." Zoe said. "One moment....arriving in three...two..." Shantae says after she counts down and points towards your apartment door.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
You hear knocking coming from your door with a confusing look. "Coming!" You say as you head to the door. You then open it and see this:
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"Yo, yo, yo! Somebody ordered a delicious pepperoni pizza, and a large bottle of soda?" She says as you were amazed by her looks. "Uh....hey. And yeah I did order a pizza. Just how much do I owe ya?" You asked her as you pull out your wallet, but she stops you. "Oh, money won't be necessary. In fact, it's on the house, no charge required. If..." She pauses. "If what?" You asked her. "If you and I get to know each other more and...make love, if you get my meaning." She says with a smirk and a wink to you. "Oh... Is that it? Well, in that case, come on in." You tell her as she then proceeded inside your apartment. Then she sets the pizza down and turns to you. "The names Pepper, by the way. Got a name, stud?" She asked. "I'm (Y/N). That's Zoe." You say as she waved to her from behind you.