Ch.05 - Saved by Ninjas

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Soon it was the next day as a ray of light from the sun shines through the window, lands nearly at your closed eyelids, which made you want to wake up from your slumber. "Mm... (Yawn). What a night that was... At least the rents been paid and Rebecca is letting me live in this apartment from here on out." You say as you turn to your left side to see Zoe sleeping like a baby. "Sound asleep, aren't ya?" You asked her as she stirs a little with a smile. Then you started to think of something else in your mind. 'I wonder what am I gonna wish for today?' You thought.


Later after breakfast, you plan on heading out to the mall for a little bit of shopping. "Hey girls. I'm gonna take Zoe with me for some shopping and we're gonna be out for a while. I want the rest of you all to remain here, okay?" You tell them as they agreed. "We'll be alright here. Although I would recommend that you bring your lamp with you, just in case." Sasha says. You think it for a bit, then took it for consideration. "You know what... you're right, Sasha. I suppose I could bring it with me, in case." Right as you said it, Shantae poofs out of nowhere. "Did I hear that you and your girl are heading out into town for a shopping gig?" She asked. "Ah, yes...and I was hoping if you wanna tag along with us? Maybe?" You asked her. She then jumps around a bit with glee, meaning she would love to. "Master, I'd be honored to join you and Zoe today." She says happily. "Do you have something casual to wear other than your outfit you have on?" You asked her as she looks. "Oh! That reminds me. Just one moment." She says and snaps her fingers, then her outfit magically shifts into casual clothes, which gives her plain red t-shirt, dark red jeans and red/white sneakers.

" She says and snaps her fingers, then her outfit magically shifts into casual clothes, which gives her plain red t-shirt, dark red jeans and red/white sneakers

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"So what do you guys think?" She asked. "I'll blend right in just fine!" Zoe says. "Great! Then let's get going! We've still got a day ahead of us." You say as you then quickly grab the lamp and placed it in your messenger bag. Then you, Zoe and Shantae head to the door and walked out. "We'll be back soon, okay? See you all later!" You tell Sasha and the others, they say their goodbyes and you close the door behind you, thus locking it.

As you all were outside of your apartment, you would usually take a city cab in order to get somewhere far (other than your job at the arcade, and it was only a few minutes away from your place). You try to call out for one, but somehow they just go pass you and the girls, like they don't give a hoot. "Hey! Taxi!" You called out, but another goes by. "Man... What does it take to get a cab around here?" You ask yourself as then Zoe nudges you a bit for a certain idea in mind. "Why not just drive your own car? I mean, don't you have one?" She asked you, but you shook your head for no. "Nope. Couldn't afford one since I've first moved here. I mean, It's not like I could--" You halt at midsentence and thought it over. "Um, Shantae? Can you do me a really quick favor?" You asked her. "Of course! And your wish is?" Shantae asked, waiting for your response. "Shantae. I wish for an awesome car to drive, that only responds to my handprint signature, and have it completely indestructible so that I don't end up in an accident." You say that as her twitched again. "Granted!" She says with a snap of her fingers and then out of nowhere from purple smoke, a brand new car comes out, driven by auto pilot and it stops next to the curb you three were standing at.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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