Ch.03 - Butler, Maid, and Chef (for hire)

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Soon it was the next morning as a ray of light from the sun shines through the window, lands nearly at your closed eyelids, which made you want to wake up from your slumber. "Mmm...." You moaned softly as you start opening your eyes to see as you thought it was all dream, but it's not. You turn your head to see Shantae on your right and Zoe on your left, both still sound asleep and cuddled up with you. "Oh ladies... Wakey wakey... Time to wake up...." You tell them softly, trying to nudge them awake. "Mmm.... just 5 more minutes...." Zoe moaned softly to sleep in more with you, since that never bothered you, so you went along with it.

Later, Zoe started waking up and so does Shantae. "Mmm, boy. That was a good sleep. It's a good thing you wished for a comfy water bed, (Y/N)." Zoe says. "That I did, Zoe." You tell her. Later, you and Zoe have your clothes on while Shantae poofs up her own attire. "Hey (Y/N)? Since you have a nice apartment here and all, but haven't you thought about cleaning up the place a bit?" She asked with a little concern. You take a moment to look around your apartment home: bedroom (few toys and a pile of clothes on the floor), living room (bits of trash on floor and a few DVDs and games scattered on coffee table), kitchen (mostly dishes left in sink), hallway (shoes and boots left out, bits of dirt all over the floor), and bathroom (bathroom stuff scattered around on counter and damp towels all over the place). "Well, when you put it that way, Zoe... I guess my place does need a little sprucing up a bit." You say that, just then Shantae poofs out of nowhere. "Did I hear something that you and Zoe need help with, Master?" Shantae asked. "Oh... well I was thinking... maybe I can get some help to spruce up my apartment a bit?" You ask her as she scopes your the place. "Well, what did you have in mind, Master?" She asked while you started thinking, then two things popped in Zoe's head. "Oh! I've got it! A butler and a maid! They can help us!" She says excitedly.

"....That could work." You say. "Then your wish is, dear Master?" Shantae asked kindly. "Shantae. I wish for you to give me a butler and a maid, that they listen to me and Zoe only." You give her your wish as her ears twitched again. "Wish granted, Master!" She says as she snapped her fingers once again and then two poofs of clouds come out of nowhere, forming two feminine bodies. After the smoke clears, the two women turn around to see their master and mistress.

(AN: the butler

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(AN: the butler.)


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