Dream coming true

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Your POV
The rest of the day went by pretty normally. Not much happened besides in the morning. But because of said morning, the day went by more slower. Still filled with thoughts of...... him. Saiki. The way my heart pounds around him and when I feel nervous to be in his touch. Though I know I won't have him. He said before he does not like me in that way. But, it's not easy to just, give up your feelings for someone. Especially when that someone is someone very special. In more ways than one in some cases.

The bell finally rang after having to sit through an agonizing history lesson. But the lesson itself wasn't half bad. At the very least it kept me occupied! It was about a Japanese legend. A women who goes by the name of Kuchisaki Ona. Her legend is fascinating! However it's way to long to explain. Feel free to look her up. The reason it was agonizing was because, well Saiki was sitting right behind me! We didn't talk however I could feel his stare piercing through the back of my head. It made me so uncomfortable......

As soon as the bell rang, I quickly gathered my things and actually ran out of class and out of the building. I didn't really want to hang out with my friends today. They are amazing, but if I do hang out with them, then there will be a 100% chance Saiki will be there. And I'm not ready yet. Just not yet. I was almost to my house when something, no. Someone, appeared right in front of me, blocking my way. "S-Saiki?! What are y-you doing?" I stuttered. He looked down at me with his same normal emotionless eyes and answered my question with another one. "Where are you going?" He asked. "O-oh. I u-uh. I'm going to my house." I stated. He didn't look like he got the exact answer he was looking to seek out.

"Why aren't you hanging out with us today?" He questioned. That was one question I didn't want to hear today. From any of my friends. Cause I just knew I'd start tearing up and start crying. Well I was exactly right. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes as I remembered the moment my heart got crushed. Not directly. But it might as well have been a straight to my face "No". He saw tears were forming in my eyes and his expression seemed to soften. He stepped a little closer and took hold of my arm softly as if to make me feel as if it was ok.  Tears then rolled down my face. "I-I just.. I don't w-want to, uh." I murmured. He heard though. "There's a reason." He said, in a way that made it sound like he knew exactly what was going on with me. Which I hope he didn't.

All I wanted to do was be close to him. But I felt, uncomfortable. His full attention and interest was focused on me. And as I've said before, I'm basically sick of the attention I attracted. I pull away from him and with tears still rolling freshly town my eyes, I tried to run past him to finally get to the safety of my house. But before I could escape his reach, in one swift movement, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back towards him, causing my lips to meet his.

Saiki's POV
(L.N)'s heart was crumbling. And too be honest, mine was also. Ok. So your about to see a side of me that no one has seen. Don't get used to it. Got it? It's a one thing me thing. Maybe. Ever since (L.N) had come into my life, I felt I had finally found a person who understands how I feel sometimes and someone who'll look after me, as I look after her. Saying I don't like her almost critically damaged my heart. But I guess I thought I would get so much more unwanted attention then ever. I didn't take how much she would care into consideration. And she suffered for it. We both did.

She tried to run by me to finally get to her house. But I quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a kiss. Her eyes widened and she let a small gasp escape her mouth. I gently kissed her lips and after a minute of shock, she started to kiss back. It was a soft kiss and we finally pulled apart after another minute or two. She looked up to me with tears still around the corners of her eyes. "S-Saiki." She quietly whispered. It was cute. I wiped away the tears still near her eyes. And then teleported us to Kinkakuji. A romantic garden in Japan. I thought I would be a good place..... to ask an important question.

Your POV
After our kiss, I was suddenly in a different location. A beautiful garden with a large pond and lovers walking around or sitting down to enjoy the view. We were sitting on a bench in what I believed to be one of the most amazing spots I view of the entire pond. I stared at the pond, star eyes at the amazing sight I was beholding. He suddenly looked over to me and took hold of my hands. I also turned to meet his beautiful purple eyes as they stared at me. I thought it was a dream. Until he leaned in and kissed me again, this time more passionate. I instantly kissed back and we were like that for about three-five minutes. He was the one to pull away, as he looked into my eyes. Then, he said, "(L.N), you mean so much to me. Your one of the only people who I know I can go to if I ever need anything. You mean so much to me. And, I'm sorry I lied earlier. About me not liking you. It hurt me to say that. But I just didn't want to extra attention. But I didn't realize how much I love you." My eyes were watering again. He was saying the things I only imagined he would say! But the next part was what sent me into a sob of joy and happiness.

"(Y.N), it's not like me to say these kind of things, and it probably won't last long, but, will you be my girlfriend?" Tears we're coming down my eyes faster and faster as I realized this wasn't a dream! This was real! And he actually wanted to be with me! I nodded my head quickly and brought him into a tight hug. He hugged back softly, seeing I was already crying. I then thought to myself, 'I'm so happy!' Then, the next thing I hear is Saiki. 'I am too.' But he said it in his mind.
I read his mind.
And he was happy.....

Light of my life (Saiki K x Reader-Chan)Where stories live. Discover now