{4} Punishment

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I stare at the ground, avoiding my dad's eyes, until Louis elbows me. "They don't know who you are, you have to act like us and that means looking at the King." He whispers, and I raise my eyes until they meet my dad's.

"I have word that you all know something that you shouldn't." My dad says, looking at all of us. Everyone is focused on him, but I can tell that Zayn wishes he could pummel me right now. "I know that Mr. Austin performed a silence spell, and I also know that Mr. Malik is the original owner of the information." Zayn's glare is joined by more, until everyone but Louis is trying to kill me with their eyes. "Before you place blame, Mr. Austin is not at fault." My dad adds, surprising all of us. "There are sound recorders in every common room on campus, usually only used if the headmaster is suspicious of someone or wants to make sure someone is fitting in. At the time you had your conversation, the headmaster was checking to see how you were reacting to Mr. Austin, and she heard your conversation and called me. I am very disappointed in all of you, and as you know, you will be punished." We all nod, and Aunt Lindsey calls out everyone's name but mine, Louis', and Zayn's.

"All of you have five days of dorm arrest, you will be staying in your own rooms and will not leave until the days are up." Aunt Lindsey says, and soon Zayn, Louis, and I are alone in the room with my dad.

"Louis, you have dorm arrest as well, but please wait outside so I can talk to you afterwards." Louis nods and leaves, and my dad turns to Zayn.

"Mr. Malik, why did you hide that you knew about my son instead of telling me?" My dad asks, and Zayn frowns, thinking.

"I'm not sure. I guess I was worried that I'd get in trouble, which I now realize was stupid." He answers, and my dad nods.

"Why did you tell the others?" He asks.

"It just slipped out, I wasn't planning to tell them but after I started I couldn't stop." Zayn admits, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You have one week of dorm arrest, and no transfiguring during that time." My dad says. Zayn nods, turning and leaving the room, leaving me alone with my dad.

"Why did you perform the spell?" He asks, more curious than stern.

"I didn't want them to be mad at me after I just met them, and I thought they would be if I didn't do it." I say, and my dad's face softens.

"I understand, but I have to punish you for using magic wrongly. You have one week of dorm arrest, and your magic will be barred during that time." I nod, and my dad smiles.

"Go tell Louis to come in here, I need to talk to both of you." He says. I turn and open the door, and Louis looks up, smiling. He's alone in the hallway, my aunt probably took everyone else back to the dorm. I wave to Louis, and he walks over to me, stepping inside the office and standing in front of the desk my dad sits behind. After I shut the door, I stand next to Louis.

"As you both know, in three days I'm returning to the school for the opening banquet. I want you two to tell the rest of your dorm that you are all expected to attend the banquet, but you must return to your rooms as soon as it is over." My dad commands, and Louis and I both nod. "Also, I have a question for you both. Niall, your mother doesn't want you to hide your identity, and she wants me to reveal who you really are at the banquet during my speech. I want to ask both of you if you think that is a good idea. Keep in mind, Niall cannot be a secret forever, one day he'll take over the throne." Louis looks over at me, but I look down, thinking about what he's saying.

"I honestly don't know." Louis finally says, frowning. "The longer we keep it a secret, the bigger an impact it will have on our roommates. They probably won't trust either of us after knowing that we kept this from them, but they might understand, and it's not like they can do anything to Niall. But as soon as the school finds out everyone will treat him differently, for better or for worse. I think it should be up to Niall." Louis decides, and suddenly all of the attention is on me.

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