{17} Torture and Training

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~Niall's POV~

I find myself back in the room with the glass wall, Louis in the room I now realize is a torture chamber. This time Greg is guarding me, while Scott and Nick are helping Daniel prepare Louis for whatever means of killing him they're attempting today. Daniel seems annoyed that Louis didn't die yesterday, so I guess he's making this as painful as possible for Louis today instead of a quick death like his first attempt. I stand, my hands pressed to the glass, watching Nick and Scott remove Louis' shirt then force him against the wall again, this time with his stomach pressed against the concrete wall as they fasten his wrists. Daniel smirks, waving his hand and creating a magic whip of sorts, which he strikes across Louis' exposed back three times in quick succession. Louis winces as blood trickles out of the cuts, but he continues to stand tall, even though he can't see Daniel.

Daniel frowns at this and cracks the whip five more times, drawing more blood from Louis' back. I can tell that Louis is struggling to keep his pain hidden, his silence angering Daniel more. I watch as Daniel's eyes start to glow with anger, and the whip moves at hyperspeed, just a flash of magic hitting Louis more times in the ten seconds it flies than Daniel could have normally in ten minutes. When Daniel stops Louis' back is so bloody it's completely red, and the first thought in my mind is how cruel and disgusting this is. The second one is the realization that that could be me, and Louis could be sitting in my position watching me get tortured. And that thought is what makes me fall to my knees in tears, staring at Louis, who is now screaming in pain every time Daniel's magic whip hits his back.

I'm not sure how much longer Daniel hits Louis, but I know it doesn't take long for Louis to lose more blood than is most likely humanly possible. He probably should have died ages ago, he definitely fainted, but Daniel must want to make absolutely sure that Louis is as dead as possible because he just keeps on hitting him. Louis is unconscious, Nick and Scott are watching in amusement from the sidelines, and Greg is watching me cry my heart out. Every once in a while I see Scott glance over at me with a look of sympathy on his face, one that quickly turns to indifference when he returns his gaze to Louis. I'm not sure what to think, but for all I know I could have been imagining it.

It goes on for so long that when Daniel stops, it takes me about two minutes to realize that I'm no longer hearing the crack of the whip. I ran out of tears a while ago, and I feel quite tired now, but that doesn't stop me from bolting over to Louis as soon as Daniel opens the door. I run over to my friend, who is now lying on his stomach on the ground, my mind a mess. I know he's still alive, but knowing how painful that must have been I bet he wishes he was dead right now, even if he is out cold. Blood is still coming out of his back, and I sit on the ground next to him, grabbing his hand and squeezing it for dear life. Nick, Scott, Greg, and Daniel are all silent as I lean over and position my ear next to his mouth, waiting for Louis to exhale. After a few seconds, he does, and then I hear him draw in a faint breath, barely enough air to keep him alive but enough.

"He's still breathing." I say, and Daniel stares at me in disbelief. Obviously not trusting my answer, he walks over and leans over Louis himself, watching as my friend takes another breath and exhales in Daniel's face. I hold in my laugh when the Wizard wrinkles his nose and backs away, Louis and I don't exactly have access to toothbrushes so I bet his breath smells terrible.

"Fine. Greg, Nick, take him to his room." Daniel orders. The two Weres walk over to us and carefully pick Louis up, carrying him out the door. Daniel leaves after them, ordering Scott to stay with me, and as soon as we're alone Scott lifts his pant leg, exposing a metal cuff similar to the one around my wrist.

"You don't want to be here, do you." I state, and Scott nods.

"Nick forced me here and this keeps me here. It's the same concept as yours, I can't transform, so I'm practically useless. I'm only here because Daniel knows I'll report all of them the minute I get out. There is a way out, though. Just trust me." Scott says, walking away and leaning on the wall near the only exit. I just sit on the floor, my thoughts buzzing with Scott, Daniel, Louis, and my friends at the school. Is Liam okay after they beat him up like that? Did Harry figure out who took us? How is my dad reacting? Will I ever see any of them again?

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