chapter 8 (final Chapter)

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~its... been a while... xD 

heres the next chapter

and for those who say this is getting off track for the BENxLink relationship, oh you just wait ;D lol oh! and last thing, if i get chelsea's mother's name wrong, please correct me in the comments ^^; *feels stupid that i cant remember the name of my own character* XD~

(Link's POV) 

I swear to god... it felt like forever, they FINALLY let me leave this hell. 

Ben had to go somewhere with Eli so Jasmine picked me up from the hospital. 

"How are you feeling?" she asked, when we got in the car. 

"fine... i mean.. im drugged on medications so i cant really decipher the pain at the moment" i said with a small chuckle. 

she playfully roled her eyes and started the car. 

"so... did chelsea tell you what happened with her and Eli?" 

"no, she hasnt... what happened?" 

"Well its not really my buisness to tell, im sure shell tell you soon" 

"now im curious" she said as we started driving towards my house 

I chuckled. 

we rode in silence the rest of the way home and when i got inside, both DL and Mari looked up at me. 

"daddy!!" mari squeeled, running up to me and hugging my leg. I chuckled. 

"hey there little guy..." i said, crouching down and smiling at him. 

DL stood up and sighed. 

"mari go play in your room ok?" he nodded and ran off. I turned to Jasmine. 

"thanks for driving me home"

 "no problem link, call me if you need anything" 

"i will" and she left. 

"um... so... how are you" i simply glared at him. 

"Link come on, you cant seriously hate me" 

"and why not?" 

"i... i mean..." he cut himself off and stayed silent

"Why cant i hate you? You've been the cause of so many LIES in my life and You've been the reason for tricking my husband into an affair" I needed to stop. I needed to shut myself up. I growled at him. 

"you know what... just leave" 

"link seriously, you could at least give me a chance" 

"No. You fucking ruined any chance you had at forgivness. Leave" 

"Fine. as you wish" and he left, swearing in hylian as he vanished. 

I sat down on the couch and held my head in my hands catching my breath, then made a mental reminder not to raise my voice like that, ever.

i took a breath from the inhaler and managed to get my breathing back on track. 

I sighed and went upstairs. Upon enering my room, the first thing that caught my eye was the master sword as the sun that was filling in through the window bounced off the metal

The blade appears to have been polished. I walked over to it and picked up the sword, it reminded me of how exactly i got cut like this in the first place and it remended me exactly what i have to do...

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