Chapter 5

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(Ben's POV)

link not only suffered a shit ton of bloodloss... he pushed himself so far he had a fucking heart attack... Jesus Christ I swear if he dies on me I'm so done. I can't do this alone.. I can't. they won't let anyone see him yet and I'm sitting at home fucking crying. it feels like we're teenagers all over again.

I feel like he's being ripped from my grip again and I swear to god I cannot loose him. eli is at school now and link has been in the hospital for two days already. Marshall is sleeping right now and I don't know what to do.

I hugged my knees to me chest and his my face as a voice joined me.

"this has to be my fault..." she spoke

"its not your fucking fault Zelda. nobody knew this was going to happen"

"if I hadn't have been so stupid ganon wouldn't have even taken me in the first place"

"ITS NOT YOUR FUCKING FAULT ZELDA! ganon just used you to get to link"

"still I was the-"

"stop. blaming., yourself."

I said, my dark eyes glowing brightly in the irises. I want nobody to take fault for this because we should all know he's not as strong as he used too be. regardless of of hes still in his late fouhrties or whatever, he cant push himself like that...

I need to stop these thoughts

I need to not think about him right now.

"I really hope he's okay Zelda..."

"I'm sure hell be fine..."

"dammit I wish they'd let me see him..."

"they will soon I promise"

Mari strartred crying and Zelda and I both went to get up, she stopped me,

"I got it Ben... go rest or something, I k ow you haven't slept so don't lie to me. go. sleep."

I nodded and walked to the bathroom, a few dark red tears fell from my eyes and I toppers them and washed the blood from my face.

I walked into the room and laid down on the bed, then tried my best to close my eyes...

finally, finally I got to sleep

(Elis POV)

'the faggots dead the faggots dead' is all I heard all day... they were referinbg to my dad.

it's not funny... its not fun yt at all.

theft laugh, the prod theyrtheyre throwing things at me... they think its a joke. they think I'm kidding. calling me an attention whore and such.

Chelsea thinks its sick, I refuse to cry in school.


speaking of Chelsea.

"Chelsea stop..." I mumbkled, attempting to get her to get her arm off Chrissy's chest. Chrissy was galring at Chelsea and Chelsea glared right back.

"its not funny. this is fucking serious, you're sitting over here laugh in at death. what is wrong with you?!"

"she's a liar, Jesus you believe this shit?! 'oh myt daddy's dying my daddy's dytinf, he got stabbed by a gerudo. there aren't even any gerudo left"

"how the fuck would you know?! you don't know SHIT"

"chelsea enough!" I said, trying to get them to stop.

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