Chapter 4

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~dont. kill. me.~

(Links pov)  

I knew from the beginning this wasnt going to be an easy battle, no, i dont know why ganon would want me , but i have a feeling i do. Epona stopped finally and calmed down some and i was hopeless., i said my potential goodbyes to her as they were probably going to kill her, she alerted them after all. She got spooked and i know why.  

I walked in, sword drawn, fist clenched tight around the handle and i pushed past the gaurds that tried to stop me. They should know damn well why im here and i wont let them get in my way.  

I walked into the castle and the familaiar sound of that godawfyul music he plays made my ears ring there would be no challenges here this time, this would be a direct confrontation and that is it. A get in, get out kinda thing. I  followed the steps upwards and the sound got louder, and louder, until it was threatening to deafen me. 

The large doors appeared before me after a while, and on the other side was the man i thought was in prison for the rest if his life. The heavy doors squeeked open as i pushed them, and his fingers froze.

The black cape he wore hung down his back, tattered and dusty a bit in places. His ginger hair sat slicked back on his head, adorned by that damn crown of his. He isnt worthy to be king of anything in this world. He should be dead, his soul left torchered and mangled to rot in the firey depths of hell.   But alas he stands before me.  

He turned his head and looked back at me, that stuipid smirk plastered on his face.

"Stupid stupid boy..."he said with a dark eerie chuckle before slamming his fists onto the keys and growling

"Damn you!" He screamed.

"Damn you to fucking hell"

"The only one going to hell here is you"my reply sparked laugher from him, mocking me. 

 " last time wasnt all that fun now was it? You got lucky, though i wont let you leave this time. You made a mistake link, a big mistake. You got me thrown in prison and i will get my fucking revenge on you!" He yelled at me, turning around.  

"I dont care if you kill me, as long as you go down with me. I cant have you being a potential threat to my family or the rest of hyrule"

"Oh you have a family now huh?" Oh shit... I really shouldnt have told him that.

"Yes." ""Oh whos your wife dear boy? Do i know her? Is it zelda? Oh zelda... She seems to be enjoying herself."

"You let her go, and no, you probably dont know HIM"

"Oh your a faggot huh?" This caused him to laugh even more.

"Your opinions dont matter to me ganondorf, how about you shut up and fight me"

"Oh but i like teasing you, i know where it hurts in you, youre too soft link" I growled  

"Fine. As you wish faggot"he made the first attack before i was ready and the magic just hard missed me, it striked my arm slightly, burning it but i, other than that, wasnt effected very much. I let out a small hiss in pain and had just enough time to deflect his second hit with my sword before it hit me.

It missed him as he managed to step out of the way, but it hit the keys on the piano sending a wicked note out and causing a few keys to fly off. My arm was bleeding where the skin has began to splinter, i readied my sword and he threw the next one, i sent it flying back and he hit it, we just tossed it back and forth till it hit him and he was pinned against the wall for a second before he forced himself up and growled.

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