A Shadow's Requim (Book 9 in the BenXLink Fanfic)

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~im probably going to change the title later but im probably not, idk XD whatever XD anyway, heres book 9, enjoy! :D also, the song on the isde doesnt have any relevance to this story, i just think you should like... listen to it because its awesome (if it doesnt work, the song is "Love again" by Pentatonix) XD
last thing, i understand that "requim" is a term used for a memorial of the dead, NOBODY IS DYING IN THIS BOOK. i promise, this is just the first thing to come to mind so yolo XD like i said, this title probably isnt going to be a perminant title. XD~

(Link's POV)

Okay, i've never liked moving, ever. When i moved here from kokiri it wasnt all that bad, but i still wasnt a fan of it.

We got the house we wanted and are just finishing unpacking things. we can literally see the school from our front yard so its no problem getting Eli to school anymore. Ben's been acting rather parinoid about something, and he seems stressed.

"you ok?" i asked, putting my arm around him. He nodded in response.
"im fine, just lost in thought is all" he said, before staring off into space again. Mari was sitting on the floor playing with a few toy cars and Eli was outside.

"im gonna go see what eli is doing"
"Have fun...." he mumbled. I sighed and kissed him on the cheek, then went out to eli.

(Ben's POV)

I. cant. take. this. Everytime im alone hes fucking there, just staring at me. just like now.
"Will you tell me what the hell is wrong with you?! You're a mess"
"its nothing..."
"Dammit tell me! if you're going to taunt me then fucking tell me whats wrong!"
"Keep your voice down dammit! if im caught here im dead"
"what?" he cupped his hands over his mouth.
"wait. What the hell is wrong?"
"Nothing" He vanished into the shadows. I grunted and then walked outside also, then lit a cigarette as i watched eli and link actually get along for once. Eli had her feet in the pool and link was sitting next to her. I smiled then noticed Dark still here. He was just sitting in a tree watching them also, he looked almost hurt. I cocked my head at him and he looked at me, gave me a half smile and then jumped from the tree right into the shadows.

It made a noise and both link and eli looked over there.
"it was a squirrel" i said, puffing the smoke into the air. They both looked over at me now and eli smiled.

(Dark Link's POV)

I went back to the castle. Yeah, im stuck here, by zelda's fucking parents. I dont know why, i dont know what i did. pft, thats a lie, i know exactly what i did, i was breathing. I rolled my eyes.
The gaurd slammed me into the wall and scolded me for leaving. I flinched in pain and vanished from his grip.
Im being sent back to ganondorfs kingdom, where hes going to lock me up and never let me leave again, and i dont want that, i dont fucking want any of it.
I know i've made poor choices in my life and i have nobody to turn to. Nobody. Everyone hates me.
I figured out a way to end it.. but a knife simply wont work on me... it wont even scratch me, ok, it'll scratch me but i wont bleed, i cant bleed.

The only way out is to kill myself because i've giving up but i dont want that to happen because the only way i die is if link dies too and i dont have an option to kill him because he has a family. I took a breath because my thoughts were running so fast it literally knocked the wind out of me.

I feel so pathetic. A being designed for evil and i cant turn to link for help because he hates me. And i mean HATES me. I went to my house and collapsed in heap on the bed, my hand immediatly moving downwards to tame my sexual desires.
I cant help it...
its the only way i can escape... self harm doesnt work and i dont know what else to do.

I have never cried in my life until now and its scaring me. I feel so pathetic.
'So. Fucking. Pathetic!' My thoughts screamed as i found myself fully into a session of self pleasure.
I have no idea what to do. I need help and i only go to ben because i know he'll be a friend, but i cant tell him... i cant tell anyone whats happening.
the only thing i said was that i'd be killed if i were found, pft, if that was possible but i could easilly be locked up in the shadow realm for eternity.

I know i said to much at just that stament.
my thoughts cleared as i got lost in the sea of pleasure flooding through me.

What has become of me...?

A Shadow's Requim (Book 9 in the BenXLink Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now