2 ·Bella·

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Once she opened her eyes she saw the walls of an unfamiliar dark manor. She stood from her fallen position and scanned her surroundings, looking for anything familiar.

“Mum! Where did you put my formal robes?” A familiar voice calls out. Bella’s head jerked towards the voice and ventured towards it. Not believing what she thinking.

That she just heard the voice of Draco Malfoy. She turned the corner to see a familiar malfoy packing his robes away.

“Are you Draco Malfoy?” She asked, stunned at the accent that appeared when she spoke.

“Trixie are we playing this game again? Because I’m not even sure you’re done packing.” Said THE DRACO FLIPPING MALFOY, Bella was too shocked to respond. First off, he called her Trixie. Secondly, Draco was actually smiling, he actually looked happy unlike in the books or movies.

Ok I need to figure out why I traveled through a FUCKING portal. I’m talking to a nice Draco. And why it seems that I’m now a Brit.

So Bella pretended like everything was fine and sat on Draco’s bed. She had an idea to just chat and hopefully get some answers.

“So, what am I to you?” She asked hoping he wouldn’t get offended and think it was playful banter.

“Well, you’re my awesome twin. What kind of game are you playing, Bella?” He asked, trying to look at her with annoyance but laughing in the end.

Well Bella was a twin of Draco Malfoy. That must mean her last name was Malfoy.

Bella had a terrific idea she knew would work.

“We’re playing how well do you know me game!” She says adding jazz hands for fun.

Draco laughs at her and nods.

“Ok first question, what’s my name and any nicknames I have?” Bella asked in her best game host voice.

“Well your name is Bellatrix Luna Malfoy. I call you Bella, Trix, Trixie and anything I can think of quickly. And your Potter friend calls you the same. I can’t wait to see her this year. Do you think she’ll say yes.” He asks, his eyes looking eager and the biggest smile ever plastered on his face.

“Who and what?” Bella asks, confused on the change of topic and what he was saying.

“Thalia of course. The most beautiful girl that has ever walked on earth. I’m asking her to the Yule Ball this year. It’s just that Harry and I just don’t see eye to eye. I’m afraid he will get Thalia to say no. But anyways, back to the game.” He says, Bella noticed his eyes and how they lit up then went dark through that conversation.

“What house am I in?” I ask hoping that I would be in Ravenclaw.

“Slytherin of course. One of the best houses, with your favorite brother there with you.” He says.

Great so I’m in Slytherin.
I’m twins with Draco Malfoy.
I'm named after Bellatrix Lestrange.
My twin has a crush on my bestfriend.
And it’s the Yule Ball, that must mean The Goblet of Fire.

But now that Draco talked about his love life. She was wondering about her own.

“Am I dating anyone, or do I have a crush on somebody, or does somebody have a crush on me?” She asks, truly curious.

“Well there are rumours. That the one of the Weasleys has a crush on you.” He says, not saying anything bad about them. Curious about that one detail Bella asks something probably a bit personal.

“Why do you act so mean?” She asks, bracing for anything.

“Bella we’ve discussed this. Father would disown us for befriending his enemies. So I make up for that at school. So you can be normal, I couldn’t bear to see you like me Trixie. I never want to.” He says, his voice was so sincere and caring that Bella felt two teardrops land on her cheeks. Before she could wipe them away Draco was already there to wipe them for her.

“Why are you crying? Please stop. I don’t like this.” He says, chuckling a bit. Bella pulled him into a hug, enjoying having him as a twin.

She pulled away to ask two more questions.

“What do I call you.” Bella asks, hoping for a nickname.

“Nothing. Hard to come up with a nickname for my name. But you should call me Draco the…..um…...SNAKOO!” He announces proud of his nickname.

“Alright, well Snako show me to my room.” Bella say, ending the trivia.

They walk down some hallways and into her room.

“Thanks Snako.” She says, chuckling at the nickname.

She sits on the bed and suddenly has the worst migraine possible to mankind. She lays down and a rush of memories fly through her brain.

She woke up the next morning knowing everything about her wizarding self.

Bella couldn’t have wanted to see her best friend more right now.

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