3 ·Thalia·

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Thalia ended up sitting on a bed in what looked to be a hut. She scanned her surroundings. The bed underneath her was a simple wooden frame with a beautiful hand-woven tribal blanket on it. The walls a pale adobe which had framed pictures. Most of a red-headed girl. She noted the broomstick in a corner and suitcase on the bed.

She was about to stand up and look at the photos until she heard a burly voice call out.

“Thalia! I made some breakfast. Come and get it before Fang does!” The voice sounded like a familiar half giant that was Thalia’s favorite character.

She raced out her door to see the hut. THE HUT. NOT JUST ANY HUT THE FUCKING HUT.

She sat down in front of her food and ate so fast that she was done in seconds.

She turned to her left to see a smiling Hagrid.

“Hagrid!” She yelled out jumping and hugging him.

“And Fang!” She shouted as she hugged the Neapolitan Mastiff.

“Slow down kid. Why you looking like you’ve never seen us before?” He asks chuckling. That’s when reality just hit Thalia.



I need to figure out things and not get carried away.

“Wait so you know who I am?” She asked, very confused. And shocked at the accent that that rolled off her tongue.

“Of course I do. Known yer since yer was a lil’ baby. I remember the day I came here with yer with me. The worst but best day my life.” Hagrid said, Thalia was confused. She needed to play it safe. But she need answers.

“Hagrid, can you tell me about my life. From your perspective?” She asked, hoping she didn’t seem suspicious.

“Of course I can. Well, yer were born on the 31 of July, 1980. In Godric’s Hollow. Yer were born 15 minutes after yer brother Harry James Potter. Yer full name is Thalia Lily Potter. Yer turned 14 years old this week.” He says wiping a few tears.

“Well, yer mother and father were killed by you-know-who. I then retrieved you and Harry and Dumbledore told me to just drop of Harry. He wanted me to keep you because of the dursleys would act up with you bein’ a metamorphmagus and all. So that’s what I did. You know as much about animals as I do. Yer best friend is Bellatrix Malfoy. Yer in Gryffindor, and you get in trouble so much. You and your brother are very close. And you are one of the best catchers on Gryffindor’s quidditch team, in my opinion. What else, oh yea you dated Seamus Finnigan last year and broke up with him because he was being rude to ya. I was so close to sending Fang on him. But Fang’s too much of a wimp he couldn’t. And this year yer going to the yule ball. You been growin’ up so fast.” Hagrid finishes crying a bit.

“Hagrid. I love you so much. You don’t even know.” She told him. She then pulled away to go to the bathroom so she could have some space while she processed this new information.

Once she was in the bathroom she looked in the mirror to see her reflection.

Thalia was so shocked of her new appearance she almost screamed.

Her curly brown hair has turned into Weasley red very curly hair. Her eyes were two different colors, one blue and the other hazel.

She exited the bathroom, still dazed and shocked from the new appearance, and went to her room and collapsed on her bed.

Once she did she had the worst possible headache imaginable. She closed her eyes only to have memories of her wizarding life flash through her mind.

She had never wanted to see her best friend more than right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2018 ⏰

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