Best Friends

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alien dive bar

"Come on Mon-El!" I whine

"Drink it!" He laughs.

"If you care about me you wouldn't make me drink this, it's nasty."

"Kara, I do care about you. You're my best friend, but a deal is a deal!"

"I should have never made this deal with you" I complain.

"Hey! I watched 'Funny Girl' with you, so now you have to drink this." He says, sliding the drink across the table to me."

"It smells like gasoline" I whine.

"Kara! Your Supergirl, you kick bad guys ass all the time! I think you can handle a little drink." He whispers.

"Your lucky your my best friend, or I would have killed you for making me do this." I say.

I lift up the drink and quickly chug it down. It felt as if I was drinking a mixture of gasoline and dog pee. I slam the glass down, throwing my arms up in the air.

"Done!" I yell.

"Very good"

"Wanna go back to my place, we can watch 'Star Wars'. I know how much you love it." I invite

"Sure! It reminds me of home, sort of, kinda, not really." He smiles.

"That made no since Mon-El" I laugh.

He just laughs at his own stupidity.

"Lets go" he instructs.



Kara's apartment

"I will count to 10, and if that potsticker is not in my mouth by then, I will literally melt your face off." Kara threatens.

"Yes, you could do that, but then you would be left all alone, without your best friend." I pout.

"What are you talking about? I'm not killing Winn." She Jokes.

"Ouch!" I cover my heart with my hands. " I've just been shot"

"Aw, you know your my best friend." She says, jumping on top of me, on the couch.

We wrestle with one another on the couch for a while, until we hear the door bell ring.

"I'll get it" I say, pushing Kara off of me and getting up off the couch.

I run over to open the door.

The Pizza man hands me our pizza, and I quickly pay him.

"Pizza" I holler. Shutting the door behind me.

"Finally! I'm starving!" She complains, rubbing her stomach.

"Your so dramatic! We just had potstickers!"

"I'm an alien! I need food!" She states.

"Oh! Really? I thought you were just a human with super strength, super hearing, super speed, ability to fly, freeze breath and laser eyes!" I joke.

"No one likes a smart ass, Mon-El" she laughs.

"No! Kara, people do like you."

"I hate you" She says with a straight face.

Seconds later we both break down in laughter.

"Just give me the dang pizza!" She laughs.

I carry the pizza over to the couch, with a couple of beers.

I take a seat next her on the couch, throwing a blanket over our laps.

Kara opens the box of Pizza, and breathes in the smell.

"Yassss" she squels.

"Yumm" I lick my lips.

"Oh no!" She yells.

"What's wrong?" I ask, concerned.

"What are you going to eat?"

"Shut up!" I reach for a piece, but Kara slaps my hand away.

I just stare at her.

I quickly jump on top of her, and we both fall off of the couch. We begin rolling around on the floor, playfully fighting.

I grab a hold of Karas wrists, and pin her down to the floor. I crawl on top of her, now sitting on her.
I've never really noticed how blue her eyes were, they are actually surprisingly insanely blue. They are beautiful. She is beautiful. What am I thinking!?!? She's my best friend.

"You wanna give me some pizza?" I laugh

"Never" she whispers.

I begin shaking Kara beneath me quite violently.

"I said can I have some pizza?" I yell.

"Fine! Fine! Fine, you win, we can share. Just get off me." She laughs.

I let go.

"You're lucky I love you" she states, heading back to the couch.

I follow behind her.

"Yeah, yeah. I love you too"

To be continued...

Thanks for reading, hope you liked it, I wanted to make a fan fiction about how Karamel were best friends, and grew into something more.❤❤❤

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