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DEO medbay

"I'm fine" I reassure Alex.

"Kara! You were tortured by your only weakness for a week, you can not be 'Fine'!" Alex shouts.

"I've been stuck in this medbay for two weeks now! When can I leave?!"

"Kara, we told you that you have to stay in here until we know that all of the kryptonite has left your system. You've been injected with so much that week" Jonn said, walking in with Mon-El.

"Alex, Maggie is here, she needs help with Roulette." Jonn informs her.

"Okay, bye Kara. Mon-El, can you stay here with Kara?"

"It's why I was coming in." He smiles at me. I slightly blush.

Jonn and Alex both leave the medbay, heading downstairs.

"Come here" I say, moving over to make room in the bed for my Daxamite hero to lay next to me.

Mon-El crawls into bed with me, and tosses a blanket over the both of us.

I snuggle into him and place my head onto his chest.

"How do you feel?" He asks, caressing my hair.

"Better, but Alex won't let me leave" I playfully pout.

"Now come on, don't pout. I'll stay here with you until you can go home." He laughs.

"With you?!" I exclaim happily.

"Yeah, if that's what you want..."

"Please come home with me." I beg

"Hey, I'd love to" he says, gently placing a kiss on my forehead.

I shift my body to fit more perfectly into his.

"I love you" I breathe.

" I love you more"

"Not possible" I shoot back.

"You calling me a lair?!" He laughs, and acts as if he's emotionally hurt.

"Never!" I laugh.

I slowly get up and place a playful kiss on his gentle lips.

"Where you going?" He whines.

"Going to the bathroom..."

I can see his fake frown growing.

"You wanna come?" I smirk.

He hops off of the bed and we run to the bathroom.


"Alex? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, why wouldn't I be Maggie?"

"You just seem a little off"

"It's Kara, I'm just so worried about her." I sigh.

"Your such a great sister, Kara's lucky to have you."

"Will she be alright? She's been through so much!"

"Of course she will! Don't worry sweetie" Maggie says pulling me into a hug.

"I love you, Alex"

"I love you too Maggie"

"Ready to go get Roulette?!" I exclaim excitedly.

"Yes!" Maggie exclaims, pulling out her gun and getting out of the car.

To be continued...

Expect slow updates! I just started a new school, trying to get the feel of everything. I will try to update at least once or twice a week.❤❤❤

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