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Once my eyes open I realise that I'm lying in a pool of water. Which gradually gets deeper and deeper. I don't understand. How did I get here? I feel my legs get soaked by the large amount of water. The water level rises and then stops, just as it touches my neck. I strain my eyes to work out my surroundings. All I can see is water. Lots and lots of water. I try to swim away but my legs are stuck. I scream "HELP ME!" But I knew from the start that no one would ever hear me. The water starts to rise again, this time it doesn't stop. The water goes over my head and I start to swallow gallons of the stuff. My legs are chained to the ground and I struggle for breath. My rib cage starts to feel tight around my lungs. And I slip away. Into the darkness that awaits me. Floating down to the bottom.


I sit up abruptly in our bed screaming. I feel a reassuring hand on my shoulder. The horror is over.

A/N please go and check out my new FanFiction called The Other Guy. You might need to read my Second Clintasha One Shot to understand it though. Hope you enjoyed!

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