Emily seemed nice. She was different in a good way and I could see us being close friends.
"What's up?" I asked Drew confused"Oh, I don't know. Just that you were flirting with Emily!" He replied stating the obvious.
"Jordan, I know that it's been almost four months since you and Jinjara broke up. But you said you wanted to focus on work. So what's going on?" Vanessa asked"That's not why we broke up." I whispered and looked down.
"What are you talking about, man?" Drew questioned. "She said it was a 'one time thing' and I believe her. That was one month before we broke up. A few weeks later I went to go meet her at the hotel she was staying at when she was visiting me. I caught her in bed with a random dude." I explained
"So Jin cheated and you never told anyone because it was a hard thing to talk about." Vanessa stated
"Yeah. Pretty much."
"Okay. But that doesn't explain the flirting with Emily. You like her?" Drew smirked"I don't like her. Hell, I don't even know that much about her. But she's nice and I was just joking around. It's nothing serious. Maybe soon I'll meet up with someone to go on a date, I don't know. But I do know that I'm not going to keep moping around because one person hurt me." I was confident, but in my head I wasn't really sure if I was ready to move on.
We walked back to the tables to finish lunch. It was nice knowing that Drew and Vanessa cared. They liked Jinjara a lot and they knew that I loved her. When I told them about the breakup the both of them were confused.
It was something that happened out of nowhere and was unexpected.When we got back to everyone it was just so awkward. If I didn't say something now someone else would. So I said the first thing that came to my mind. "These sweet peas are good."
"Uhh Jordan?" Vanessa asked
"What?" Jordan looked confused as to why his friend was ruining a 'moment' between the two.
"A word?" Drew finished for her.They walked to a small corner and began talking amongst themselves.
"Em, what the hell was that?" Lili asked a bit too loudly for my liking. "What do you mean?" I asked innocently, knowing damn well I knew what she was talking about.
The rest of the cast was curious as to what the blonde was talking about.
"You never giggle, Emily."
"Oh Lili, shut up. I giggled the other day when we were watching that movie." I liedThere was no movie. I haven't watched one with Lili in months. I was sort of hoping she would catch on soon enough though because then I could act like nothing happened.
"Okay tell you what.." I whispered to Lili. "... if you shut up now, you can ask about Keaton or Jordan later tonight."
"Deal." She statedThere was really no need for whispering because at the end of the day everyone would bombard me with questions when I became more open and close with them.
Before I could say something to stop the awkwardness, lthe group of three came back and sat down. It was quite for a while until Jordan broke the silence. "These sweet pea's are good."Everyone laughed and I was relieved that no one decided to question mine and Lili's awkward conversation.
"Oh come on Lili let it go! It was a giggle. Everyone giggles once in a while."
We were back at the apartment Lili and I shared. Camila, Vanessa and Madelaine are staying over for 'girl's night'."Yeah okay, fine. Whatever." Lili rolled her eyes.
"Emily you may giggle once in a while, but Jordan never flirts with anyone!" Camila said before I could change the subject."Well maybe Jordan doesn't like the girls you guys see him with." I shrugged
"No Emily. He hasn't been on a date or had a fling for months. Ever since Ji-"Vanessa was quick to cut off Madelaine off. "So how about Lili and Cole?" She gave Madds a stern look.
"Oh come on Vanessa, aren't you curious about Jordan and Emily too? Besides Lili and Cole are old news." Camila laughed"That's true Cami but why don't we give it a break for the night? I think I'm gonna go get some more popc-" Vanessa cut of Lili this time. "I talked to him."
"I talked to Jordan and he didn't break up with Jinjara because of work."This got everyone listening. I had a few questions of my own though. Who was Jinjara? How long were they together for?
"He said that she cheated and he hasn't tried to find another girlfriend since then." Nessa finished"Oh wow. Who else knows about this?" Camila questioned
"Just me and Drew." V answered
"We won't say anything, we promise." Lili added"He doesn't want to be hurt again." I stated. All eyes were on me now.
I looked up "I know how he feels. When Drew asked if I was his love interest he just stood there quite. Even though I've only known him for a few hours, Jordan doesn't seem to be shy and awkward." I said
"How about this?" Madelaine started. "V can call Jordan and put him on speaker. We can write down questions and she can ask him, but we have to be quite."
It wasn't a bad idea but I kind of felt bad for the guy." I don't think this is a good idea" I spoke
"Well I'm in if you four are." Vanessa shrugged
"Alright then, let's do this."ring
"Hey Vanessa, what's up?" his voice was groggy like he had just woken up.
"Are you alone or busy right now?" Nessa asked
"Well you just woke me up so yes and no." Jordan laughed.
"Okay, So how are you? You know, after everything you told Drew and I?" She looked at us, holding her breath trying not to laugh as Camila and I were writing down questions."V, I'm very thankful for you two caring so much about me but this happened almost. Months ago. I'll be okay. Now are we done here? I'm tired and I need sleep for the scenes we're filming tomorrow." He said
"Yeah okay I'm almost done." We all looked at each other in confusion. Vanessa continued "I've been thinking about what you said today as well."
"Vanessa I say a lot of things. Care to refresh my memory?" Jordan was annoyed by now, all he wanted was sleep.
"Yeah um.. by any chance do you think Emily's pretty?" I was so shocked. Lili couldn't stop smirking and Madelaine was smiling like an idiot. I took this time to quietly hide under my blankets.
"Uh yeah. I mean I guess she's kind of cute. What does this have to do with anything though?" Jordan asked confused
"Well I mean you did say that you might want to start dating soon.. so maybe you'll think of asking her out?" V winked at me
"Vanessa , I don't know I mean she's nice and all but I-"
Before Jordan could say anything else Vanessa beat him to it. "No buts! You two are going out on a date next weekend and maybe then you can practice your kissing for the show.""What?" I asked my smile dropped as soon as she said 'date'.
"What? Are you with her right now?"You could still hear Jordan through the phone.
"Wait Vanessa you better not hang u-"
BeepUh oh.
~This is probably my favorite chapter so far. Can't wait for you guys to read the rest! - j

ruin - Jordan Connor
Fanfictiondo I ever cross your mind? ------ Emily Miller has recently just broken up with her ex of 10 years. She thinks that she ruined their relationship. Her best friend Lili Reinhart has told her about the new part for Madison Andrews and she thinks a ne...