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On her way back home, Juliette remembered about Elijah. She quickly left her home and when back to the woods to pay her respects to Elijah Mikaelson. When she got there she noticed that his body wasn't there. She became distressed looking for his body everywhere, but not one single trace of him being anywhere around.

She thought, "Maybe he's alive?" But that thought quickly faded due to the fact that the amount of magic that she had used to save the Bousquet girl could've killed instantly any human. And as far as she knew, Elijah wasn't a witch nor a werewolf.

Slightly giving up on her search for Elijah, possibly because she thought that maybe someone had found him and buried him. She went back home and noticed that a baby Marija was alone in her bed making noises. The young blonde walked up to her and smiled sadly. "You look just like your mother," she admired. Marija just smiled as she continued, "Ah."

The young Blondeau proceeded to pick up the the infant girl and sat down on a chair near her and began to tell her a story, "Once upon a time a boy, by the name of Emile, loved a girl with the beautiful name of Adeline. God, how he loved her and she loved him too more than words could say. You could say that their story was like a fairy tale but not the one's that you would hear, this one is a bit different, this story doesn't have a happy ending but more of a tragic one. Emile and Adeline didn't get a happy ending like the other fairy tales. The two lovers were the happiest when they were together, everyone in their village love the couple, but the world didn't love them."

Juliette not knowing her sister was watching it all. Catherine smiled to herself knowing that Marija Beatrice would be her sister's salvation and left them alone, so they can have a moment.

Marija had fallen asleep shortly after Juliette finished the story. When the blonde girl had laid the child down, she felt this energy radiating off of her as if she were a witch. She ignored that feeling because Elijah nor Audreyana were witches, although Audreyana was in fact a werewolf but never triggered her curse. And so the Blondeau girl figured it was her werewolf genes that was the energy radiating off of her.

Juliette had joined her sister to watch the stars outside. She sat down next to her in a comfortable silence until the older sister spoke, "How are you feeling?"

"Well, I'm still processing everything that happened. It all just happened so fast, and now I have a child to take care of. Who kind of reminds me of myself."

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't grow up with parents, I don't know what happened to them, I didn't have anyone until you and your family came and took me in as one of your own," Juliette explained, "I don't want that for her, I want to be able to change that."

"What are you going to do if you can't do anything to change it?"

"I'm not sure yet, but I just don't want her to grow up thinking that her parents didn't want her and left her," the younger blonde said sadly.

Catherine then hugged her younger sister.

I think I'm getting the hang of this :)
And double update in one day!

Legacy. Elijah Mikaelson. [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now