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For the past 7 years Juliette had been teaching a now teenage Marija. On the other hand, Marija had been wanting to rest about three hours ago.

"Is this lesson even be over yet?" Marija muttered not wanting the older blonde girl in front of her to listen, unfortunately for the young brunette Juliette did hear what she believed she had whispered.

"It's not over yet." Juliette had simply said.

"When will it be over?"

"When you learn this spell."

Marija then started batting her eyelashes, pouted her lips and making a puppy face. "Can I pretty please do this later? Or preferably tomorrow?"

The blonde witch sighed, "You know, as you get older little trick with batting your eyelashes, pouting your lips and making a puppy face will no longer work on me. I will no longer find it cute." Marija continuing her little trick. "And you're still a child so, fine. But before I dismiss you, tomorrow you will finish this spell and begin tomorrows lesson."

The young brunette smiled at her, knowing that she had gotten her way.

Juliette looked the the young girl in suspicion. "Can I ask you something?"

Marija has been exhausted lately due to her lack of sleep, she responded, "Um sure?"

"What's the rush?"

Trying her best to act normal, not wanting Juliette to worry over her. "I don't know what you mean."

"Well then where are you headed? You know since you are wanting to end these lessons that you basically begged for."

Giving up on overcomplicating things the young girl sighed rubbing her eyes, "I'm just tired, and I want to rest."


And with that the young girl left to her room and laid down, her chocolate brown eyes tiredness had swallowed her whole. Her long and dark coloured lashes fluttered and oblivion engulfed her. Sleep came over her like cruel shattering waves, more vivid than ever before. As though the intensity of her exhaustion had created a perfect canvas for them.

The nightmare was always the same. Mad, lonliness, cold. The woman with a black cape would come closer to Marija with her hands extended out, mumbling a spell, making sweeping movements that only she could hear. She would be closer, then further away and then closer again. Trying to run for her life, she then saw both Juliette and Catherine on the floor laying in the snow with no life.

Tears threatening to spill out of her eyes, she ran towards her mother figure. "No. No. No, Juliette. Catherine. No, Juliette! If this is some kind of-"

The mysterious woman put a hand on her shoulder. "I can assure you, it is not. Now we need to go."

"I am not going anywhere with you! You did this to them! It's all of your fault!" She snapped at the woman in front of her, her anger rising caused flames to start surrounding them.

"I can help you control your magic," she said sternly.

Feeling as if she was going to go mad any second, she yelled back at the woman. "I don't want your help! I want Catherine and Juliette back!" 

"And I can give them both back to you, but you will have to come with me in return for both of their lives."

"Why do you want me? I'm not special."

"Yes, you are special. You are a Mikaelson witch after all."

Holding her head in pain, she screamed and finally she managed to wake up. She was sweating profusely. Even wondered whether it was a dream or an actual incident. She took some time to realize where she was. Her heart was pounding with all that adrenaline rush. She wanted to pacify herself with a cup of water, but all this had left the young brunette weak and trembling.

Who do you think the mysterious woman in Marija's dream /nightmare is?

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