October 2011

470 19 3

TVD, 3x04: Disturbing Behaviour

TVD, 3x04: Disturbing Behaviour

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"Rebekah," Marija let out a breath.

"How do you know who I am?" Rebekah tightened her hand around Marija's neck.

"I will tell you if you let go of me." Marija struggled to get out of Rebekah's grip.

"How do I know that you are not a threat to me and my family?" The blonde snarked.

"If I wanted to hurt you or any of the Mikaelsons, I would've already done it a really long time ago," Marija sassed back. 

"Fine, now who the hell are you?" Rebekah cautiously then let go of the young girl.

"It doesn't matt-"

"Yes it does matter, now you will tell me who the hell you are and why you were following my brother before I rip your head off of your body," Rebekah quickly threatened.

"You will know, soon. It's just that now is not the time or place, we all have to be together. And I'm really really sorry for what I am about to do."

"What ar-" The young witch flicked her wrists and snapped Rebekah's neck.

Marija couldn't have Rebekah know of her, not yet at least, so she mumbled a spell for Rebekah to forget about the young girl, "Tillate ulaz, tillate ulaz, tillate ulaz, tillate ulaz."

"I'm sorry I promised someone that I wouldn't meet any of you until you are all gathered together." She took a few steps and looked back sadly at her aunt before leaving.


Marija found a hiding spot so that none of the two vampires and the hybrid would be able to notice her. Stefan looked at the coffins before stopping in front of one. He touches it but Rebekah's enters so he removes his hand.

"You're back. Finally. Nik went to check on the witch." She said looking at the coffin. "Dreary, isn't it? The family cargo."

"Hmm. Why don't you undagger them?"

Rebekah sighed looking down at thr coffins, "Because he would hunt me down and kill me. He's a vindictive little bastard, my brother."

"But you still care about him. Why?"

"Well, I hated him for a long time. It was exhausting."

Rebekah sits down on the coffin and Stefan sits next to her. "You know, when I met you two, you were both on the run."

"Also exhausting," Rebekah chuckled.

"Who were you running from?"

"What do you mean?"

"Last night I saw you, there was a man looking for you. You both seemed afraid. I just- I wouldn't think Klaus would be afraid of anybody."

"No one in this world is truly fearless, Stefan. Not even Niklaus."

"Who was that man?"

She gets up, "I can't. Please. If Nik knew we were talking about this, he would..."

"No, no, no, I'm sorry." He gets up.

"Just forget I asked. Okay?"

"He told me about the girl you loved. The one that died. He also told me that you're only with him because he saved your brother."

"It's true."

"I think he secretly admires that about you. You'd sacrifice anything for family. Don't tell him I told you that."

"Your secret...is safe with me." He starts to turn around but she pulls him back close and kisses him.

"Do you think you'll ever love anyone like you loved that girl?"

"One day, maybe."

"I can always tell when you're lying, Stefan."

"What? I'm not..." Stefan tried to defend himself.

"Don't bother. Your kiss already gave you away."

Klaus comes in walking quickly. "Gloria's gone. She's cleared out. We need to find a new witch immediately."

He stops and looks at them. "What's going on?"

"Something's wrong. He was asking about Mikael. He's not with us, Nik. I can sense it."

"She's wrong. Klaus..." He tried to defend himself but Klaus rushed over to him and snapped his neck.

"Ah well, this will be fun." Marija muttered to herself.

Who did she made that promise to?

It's been a over a year since I published this and I want to say thank you very much for those who have read this story

Also, I just started school and there will probably be slow updates :/

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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