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     "Michael give me my fucking keys before I'm late for school!" I said as I was chasing him around my dining room. Michael is my twin brother. We are three minutes apart and clearly, Michael is the big brother who likes to get on my nerves, but we surprisingly enough have the best bond any sibling could ever ask for besides my best friends, Ashley and Jules(her real name is Julia but I prefer to call her by that.)

      Life for me and my twin brother has been pretty difficult over the past two years in Melbourne. When we were fourteen years old, our dad went out one night to see his old highschool friends and after the party, he was pretty hammered while driving his convertible. All of a sudden, my dad  crashed into a car that cut him off by a split second. When I heard my mom say to us "your father passed away from a fatal car accident last night", I was completely damaged and fell apart to bits and pieces. My world came crashing down right in front of me, it was like people around me were letting it happen; letting my suffering eat me up and spit me the hell out. Me and my brother had went through most of the same things. To put it into a simpler form, I had fell into a deep void of sadness that I had no clue how to control. Michael had picked himself up faster than me which I have a way of understanding. He is a very strong and determined person who would go out of his way and do anything for the people he loved. I dont think he wanted me to see him in such of a bad state so that might explain all of that. I still deal with the constant struggle of mental illness by my side, but I rarely ever share it aloud with anyone.

   "Here Cara. Damn I would've thought you would care less on missing Mr. Santiago's class first period. " As he lightly throws my car keys for me to catch in my hands while holding in a chuckle. "Are you sure you don't want a ride? It would make your skinny ass legs less drained." I told my brother while taking a step out of the door. "Haha very funny little sis. I think I'll stick to walking with Luke again. See 'ya loser" my brother said trying to agitate me once again. Luke had been Michaels best friend for god knows how long. Me and Hemmings aren't exactly one may call friendly. In my opinion, he's just a asshole who only chooses to care about himself and my brother. I've never seen a innocent and kind side to him. Sure, he might have striking blue eyes and a hot figure, but looks aren't everything. When it was me and Michael's thirteenth birthday party, let me remind you that I had been on shark week the day of my birthday and lets just say since there was a swimming pool, I wasn't taking the chance of risking my tampon to magically fall out and turn the water into some horrific homicide scene you'd see on law and order. I'm pretty sure Luke overheard my conversation with Ashley and Jules that I had just started my period, so he had been looking at me with a confusing stare all mysterious and shit. People had been asking me the obvious "you're not in the pool on your birthday?" I just kept making up dumb excuses like I got this deep cut and if I step in the water it'll start to burn and irritate me. I was again having a random chat with my best friends and out of know where Luke whispers something to my brother that I couldn't even make up words and I have no clue what it was about until Luke came running towards me and immediately pushing me into the pool. That had got to be the most fucked up birthday I have had so far.

     I had walked into the doors of my school, or to put it into reality, the burning pits of hell that almost no one can survive. Luckily my dumbass of a brother didn't make me late because of his way of thinking that's "sibling love". I had got to my locker and entered my pass code and put most of my heavy books into there. They seriously need to stop making books that are as nearly as long as the the bible. Weightless by all time low started to play in my ears which gave me a bit of energy and hope that I was going to make it through the day without wanting to shove my pencil down my throat. I took a brief sip of my iced coffee and before I was about to start sipping my caffeine away again, of course the ravishing Luke hemmings, the schools asshole who every single girl seemingly enough wants to get into his skinny jeans comes crusing down the hall bumping into me and legitimately spilling my drink all over the school floors and my dark grey sweater. "You really can't go without a day just make my life harder than it needs to be by the second can you, huh?" I say with  a tone of anger and agony. "Shit happens cara. sorry to spill your white girl drink all over you" he says while walking away. I stop him by yelling "great. Now you just made me ten minutes late to class thanks dumbass!" "Anytime cara" luke says while forming a smirk. I groan and start to run to class and try not to cause anymore trouble than I already did.
    Once school was over, I'm finally relieved that I'm able to rush to my car and drive the hell home, only to be filled with boredom and no where else to go. My mother is hell knows where. She's only home when she needs to be, I like to enjoy the time I have with her, even if she doesn't feel the same way. With my dad no longer in the picture you can visualize how me and my mom's relationship is currently. She just started a job at some big working company a few months ago to try build our family's life up again so we're not living on the streets. Yes don't get me wrong I so do appreciate my mother working so me and my brother are able to have the basics like clothing, food and drinks, but she just doesn't care to show up at our home anymore. Sometimes I feel like I lost her too. Its just too much to even put into words anymore.

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