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     I wake up to the sound of my phone vibrating on my bedside table. I squint my eyes gently as I go to check the caller id on my phone to see who's randomly calling me on a Saturday. "Ashley what do you want? You know I like to sleep the day away when we don't have school." I say, grabbing my glasses to go and put them on.

     "Caroline I swear you're so blonde sometimes. Conrad's party is next Friday and you and I are supposed to get costumes sooner or later so get your ass out of bed and pick me up in a half hour!" I swear I don't even forget things on purpose. When my life is not going in the right direction, all of my other memories literally shut off like a power outage and eventually turns back on. "You seriously need to get your drivers license and stop making me your uber." "You still love me for it. See 'ya in a little 'car." Ashley says hanging up the phone before I could get a chance to.

     I have barely enough time to make myself look half-decent and walk out of my house, so I just skip the shower and use dry shampoo as a back up and start vigorously spraying it everywhere in my naturally curly brown hair. I take off my pyjamas off from the night before and throw on a plain white tee, some black jeans and some baige uggs with fuzzy socks so I don't freeze my ass off; It's currently °12 C degrees outside. I grab my phone, keys, coat, and purse off of the coffee table in my living room. I assume my brother's up already so I yell up to his room. "Michael i'm going out for a bit see you some time when I get home!" I get no response. If I get a text message questioning where I wandered off to, then I know why Mike didn't answer me.

     On the way to Ashley's house, I plug in my AM cd by the Artic Monkeys. It played about four songs on the way there since her house is approximately twelve minutes away from me. "Now it's three in the morning and I'm trying to change your mind left you multiple missed calls until my message you replied." I scream the lyrics to the top of my lungs as a pull up into ash's driveway. I beep the horn on my steering wheel as a message to tell Ashley that I've arrived. My best friend walks out of her house and opens my car door.

     On the way to the mall, all kinds of music blasts in my car and me and Ashley once again belt out the lyrics like no one's watching.

      "So uh that fight Friday was something else." Ashley says breaking the stalemate. "Hm? Oh uh yeah it was." I say trying to move this conversation somewhere else. "What was that response 'car? Did something happen between you guys? As in... You and Luke?" I keep my eyes glued on the road not wanting to make contact with Ashley. "What? No nothing happened." I say gulping lightly in response. "Really? Cara you of all people should know that lying isn't your best specialty. Now tell me what's going on." Since Ashley can read me like a book, I told her the truth and gave up on lying. "Jeez Caroline thats some conversation. What are you going to about being his partner for the project?" I pull up in the mall parking lot and look behind my shoulder to see if I'm parking the right way. "I honestly just told him to hold off for a few days. But i'm still going to work on everything with him. Whether I hate his guts or not, there's no way in he'll I'm doing this by myself. "

     Ashley and I go to starbucks first to clench our thirst because neither me or her can go a day without caffeine. After we gather our drinks, we try to find some sort of store that sells costumes. About a half-hour later of getting lost, we finally find the store we have been looking for. "Jesus Ashley I can't believe you got us lost in a fucking mall." I say as we walk into the doors of the shop. "Hey, to be fair I've only been to this mall about four times so it's unavoidable to lose my way around these stores asshole." In our luck, there were two costumes left. I go to try the angel outfit on in the dressing room near the back of the store. Luckily, everything isn't as tight as I imagined it to be on my body. I'm not exactly a size five like every other girl at my high school.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2018 ⏰

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