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I was always told that I would feel whole
When I truly fell in love, but
Nobody warned me that you have to break first
So the pieces can be rearranged
And made to fit

I used to be whole
Unbroken and unmarked
Until the day I met you

I fell, hard and fast
Shattering apart like a dropped glass
At your glance, voice, touch

You were broken, too
It was in your eyes
Whispered in the way you walked
So carefully, cautiously
On guard against the world
Holding yourself together

We fit together almost perfectly
Like a puzzle with a single missing piece--
The one piece you left with her
Long before we met

In the end that lost piece
The tiniest crack in the glass
Cost us as our love
Slowly escaped and spilled away

All because I was broken for you
But you weren't broken for me

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