The Perfect Monster

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Guys, do you know how terrifyingly awesome zombie-vampires would be!?!? A vampire's strength, speed, and invincibility combined with a zombie's relentless, insatiable's the perfect uncontrollable monster! (I feel a little bit like Dr. Frankenstein right now lol)

Strengths include:
(from the vampire) superhuman strength and speed; fangs instead of normal canines; near invincibility; immortality; heightened senses, especially sight, hearing, and smell; cunning intelligence
(from the zombie) natural instincts; insatiable hunger (idk if that would really be a strength tho. maybe it could be bc it gives the creature a constant goal?); never tires; total lack of fear (or any other emotions, for that matter); immeasurable patience; travels in groups (for the most part); has no conscience; is only focused on killing and devouring; the zombie virus spreads very easily

Weaknesses include:
Basically none. Vampires cannot be killed by destroying the brain or by being set on fire, and zombies cannot be killed by stakes to the heart, holy water, or by exposure to sunlight. Maybe the only way to kill the thing is to do all of them at once, or one right after the other?

Forms groups and establishes a hierarchy within the groups. Tracks victims endlessly until they are devoured. Sets clever traps for victims. Drinks victims' blood before devouring flesh. Avoids large bodies of water. Strategically works together to find new victims. Communicates through various moans, groans, and snarls, as well as nonverbal communication (i.e. body language); it's a very complex language system. Places a lot of importance on good personal hygiene. Can reproduce (because why not make them even more terrifying?).

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