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5:00 am, Zoe Yang was up with her hair done, make up done, outfit pristine, and purse over her shoulder as she walked across the street to get to Teddy's house. Teddy imagined he'd be waiting for Zoe to be ready so he was up early and wasn't rushing too much. Just as he was about to text her and ask if she was up, there was a knock at his front door. Instantly, a dog erupted in rabid barking in one of the apartments above his.

"Good morning!" Zoe smiled bright and wide at Teddy as he opened the door in black joggers, a plain black shirt, and a hat in hand.

"Jesus, Zoe. I haven't even called the cab yet." Teddy groaned as he shuffled his baseball cap atop his head. Zoe was instantly swooning. He looked really, really handsome in a baseball cap.

"We can take my car." Zoe pointed in the direction of her house but didn't take her eyes off of Teddy's big hands as he adjusted his hat. "If you don't mind driving..."

Teddy wanted to ask why he had to drive but he didn't have to when that news article popped into his head. Zoe didn't drive, likely because of that accident. Teddy didn't mind calling a cab to take them to and from the airport, although, Zoe's option sounded better. They had a couple places to go today, so maybe, if he dragged Zoe with, he's get to use her car all day. Maybe she was useful for something and he wasn't going to regret asking her to come today.

"Perfect. Let's go." Teddy said once he had his worn out Adidas on his feet. He locked his apartment door with his keys and wallet and phone in hand.

"Need me to put any of that in my purse?" Zoe offered.

Teddy looked down at his things. He didn't mind carrying them. His pockets were big enough. But, yet again, his keys were always the most uncomfortable in his pocket. He had the tendency of taking them out of his pocket and leaving them somewhere nearby. Unfortunately, that also meant he lost his keys a lot. It was probably best that Zoe held them while they were out. Until the end of the day, at least.

Teddy offered his keys and Zoe coyly smiled as she stuffed them in her little purse. This is what couples did, carrying each other's things. Teddy's wallet and cellphone slipped into the big pockets of his joggers as he walked through the little alleyway. Zoe followed him, her heels beginning to obnoxiously click against the cement sidewalk once they were out of the alleyway.

As Zoe put in the code to open the gate to her house, Teddy felt his muscles go stiff. Nobody had ever made it past Zoe's gate. Her friends would drop her off after school and talk in front of her gate for a couple minutes, but from what he knew, and Zoe knew, nobody had ever gotten past it. Teddy was the first to ever step into Zoe's territory.

Zoe didn't even think about it as she strutted up her driveway and put the code in to her garage door. That opened to reveal one blue car that looked like a brand new, slick Lamborghini and another that was white and black, which looked like a Jeep Wrangler. The sight took Teddy's breath away. They looked so pretty, so new, so shiny, so expensive. There was a big letter 'S' in a matte finish on both of the shiny hoods of the cars, clearly showing off that they were Sensation cars.

"Holy shit... These babies are gorgeous!" Teddy exclaimed as he walked between both of them, running one hand through the 'S' on the smaller car and running his other hand over the black frame of the big, white car. "You don't drive these? Like ever!?"

Zoe shrugged when Teddy turned to stare at her in disbelief. "Nope. But now, you get to. Which one would you rather drive?"

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