Painting Four

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Vincent wandered the streets aimlessly looking for the answer to his problem. Adrian had acted so strange but that wasn't his fault. Vincent just reacted poorly. There must be some logical explanation for this. Adrian wouldn't intentionally harm Vincent, physically or emotionally. He should just turn around and figure out what was wrong. They were both at fault here. They needed to get inside each other's heads and figure out what was wrong. 

So, why was it so hard for Vincent to turn around? He just needed to apologize and ask questions. He should be trying to help Adrian, not leaving him in an apartment alone. They both didn't handle being alone well. He knew that. What if Adrian hurt himself? Or left? What if he returned to find Adrian not there?

The thought plagued him. He didn't like the idea that it might be possible. He hated it so much that it was enough to force him to turn around. He should just apologize for scaring him. He shouldn't be scared of the idea that Adrian might not trust him ever again for acting like that. He should just return home and fix this mess. If he didn't try, what was the point?

He went from walking, to speed walking, to finally running all the way back. "Adrian?" he called as he opened the door. Please be here. If you weren't here then this whole thing would be so much worse. Vincent opened the bedroom door (hoping he might still be in the same spot) and Adrian wasn't there. He saw the notebook and picked it up. 'I'm sorry' filled up so many pages. The handwriting went from clean to rushed. It looked odd. 

A floor board creaked and Vincent turned to see Adrian with messy hair and a crazed look in his eyes. He was holding a knife and hadn't bothered to put on clothes. Was he planning on hurting himself? No. That wasn't allowed.

"Adrian? Please put the knife down," Vincent pleaded. He didn't want Adrian to hurt himself. However, Adrian wasn't planning on harming himself. He had come to the conclusion while Vincent was away that if he couldn't have Vincent, nobody could. 

Adrian charged at Vincent and pushed him to the ground. He held the knife up in the air and aimed it at Vincent's throat. "I suppose I deserve this," Vincent's voice was soft. At least Adrian was safe. Vincent closed his eyes and awaited the knife. There was a thud and the knife never came. 

Vincent opened his eyes again to see Adrian crying. Why had Vincent just accepted that Adrian would kill him? This was the second time he seemed so happy to die by Adrian's hands. Why didn't he care about his own life? Adrian wasn't saying any of these things but Vincent understood him. 

"I guess this means you're my undertaker," Vincent reached up his hands to cup Adrian's face and wipe away his tears. "You know, 'undertake' used to mean 'to engage oneself by promise' in the good old days. If you use it as a verb instead of a noun it can mean to 'take charge of.' But as a noun usually means 'mortician,'" Vincent paused. "What I'm trying to say is, will you 'undertake' me?" Vincent laughed, "Ah, that doesn't really make sense, does it?"

Adrian shook his head. He grabbed the notebook from Vincent and wrote, 'I'm not going to put you in the ground. If we die, we are dying together. I can't live without you, Vincent. I don't want to. But, I will gladly 'undertake' you. I'll promise myself to you and take full responsibility for you and I won't hand you over to anyone else so long as we both shall live.'

"It kind of sounds like we're getting married, doesn't it?" Vincent laughed again. Adrian's pale face turned a bright shade of pink. This was the first time that Vincent had seen him blush. He was feeling slightly embarrassed now too but he refused to let it show. It would feel like he lost. Although, Vincent wasn't sure what it was he would be losing.

"Uny,~" Vincent decided to tease him more, "you're still not wearing any clothes.~~ Should I take this as a sign you want to consummate our marriage?~"

Adrian's face only got more red. He jumped into the bed and hid underneath the covers like a small animal. A note slid out and fell to the ground. Vincent, too lazy to get up, rolled on the floor to where it was and grabbed it. 

'Don't call me that! And no! Who would want to do that with you?! Ugly man!'

"But Uny, you're my undertaker I have to call you that so you don't forget," Vincent pouted. "Besides, if you were really against it, why did you move to the bed? You weren't thinking were you? If you don't put on any clothes we will be sleeping naked together anyway.~ Or do you want me to sleep on the floor?"

Adrian's head popped out from underneath the covers. He looked like a baby animal of some sort. His cheeks were puffed out in annoyance as he held up the notebook, 'Don't sleep on the floor!'

Vincent snickered, "So you admit you're okay with sleeping together naked as long as we don't sleep together."

Adrian threw the notebook at Vincent's face and crawled back under the blanket to preserve his safety. "Uny!" Vincent complained, "I think you hit my eye! What if I can't see now?!" Adrian threw off the blanket and looked over the side of the bed. Vincent wasn't there. The next thing he knew Vincent was sitting on top of him. Worrying about the guy had backfired.

"Got'cha," he smiled.

Adrian hid his face with his hands. He didn't want to be seen blushing. "It's okay, I won't do anything," Vincent said. He plopped down on the bed next to Adrian and wrapped an arm around him. "I couldn't hold you if you were hiding," he yawned and closed his eyes. About a minute passed before he opened them again. 

"I can't sleep with clothes on," Vincent sighed, "I'm sorry, I tried my best, but I really can't do it. They're too constricting," he complained. However, when he tried to separate himself from Adrian, the male wrapped his legs around him and clung to him tightly. 

"I won't be able to sleep," Vincent pouted. Adrian shimmied down Vincent's body, undid the button on Vincent's pants with his mouth, and shimmied back up. He made sure his head was underneath Vincent's shirt so that he could steal it. When Adrian's head popped out of the collar, Vincent started reconsidering the stretch capabilities of his clothing. Adrian moved his arms and stole the sleeves. Vincent didn't understand how they both could be wearing the shirt at the same time, but they were. 

Adrian slid his feet underneath Vincent's pants and swiftly removed them, boxers and all. Vincent wondered what kind of sorcery Adrian practiced in his spare time. He tried to get his arms out of the sleeves and it was surprisingly not that difficult. Was this part of the magic too? Vincent slid out of his stolen shirt with ease now that Adrian's legs weren't wrapped around him. The only problem was that Adrian had made a sudden movement and Vincent's face almost smashed right into the danger-zone. Vincent hoped that wasn't on purpose but he honestly couldn't tell. Accidental blowjobs ftw.

Vincent was liberated from his clothes and could now sleep with ease. He closed his eyes and drifted off to the land that people could only enter whilst asleep. Adrian looked at Vincent's face and frowned. How does he fall asleep so quickly? What about the removal of clothes makes his body say 'time to sleep'? 

Adrian poked Vincent's cheek but the guy didn't even flinch or open his eyes. Adrian stared at the cut on Vincent's lip. It was already scabbing. He felt guilty for causing it. Adrian felt the cut with his thumb. Vincent's lips were soft and squishy. He should've kissed him properly when he had the chance. Adrian didn't understand himself, why he had acted like that? It must've been instinctive. He was responding on fear alone. 

He rested his head on Vincent's chest and closed his eyes. He made a silent promise not to hurt Vincent again. He had to treat him carefully. The next time something strange happened there was no telling what could go wrong. Adrian felt tears roll down the sides of his face. He didn't want to lose Vincent. The scare of him not coming home today was enough for a lifetime. Home? Adrian smiled. He had a home now. Vincent was his home. 

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