Painting Sixteen

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"Will? What is going on? Where are we going?" Grell continued to ask questions without really putting up a fight. It wasn't every day that the man he was destined to be with dragged him to some unknown location.

William refused to answer. He shocked himself with the strange turn of events. Why had he reacted like that? He had noticed Grell in the corner of his eye and decided to walk the other way. He didn't want Grell to run and hug him or anything of the sort. However, when he noticed that Grell was with someone else, William had been the first to strike up a conversation. He didn't understand why he would do such a thing. But he did. Not to mention that as soon as he had talked to Grell, that bastard started touching him for no apparent reason. The two must be close. That simple fact annoyed William all the more.

"Will!" Grell abruptly stopped and demanded answers. William snapped out of his thoughts and turned his head to look at the male.

"We're going on a date, obviously," he said. He hadn't been planning on this turn of events but he needed something that would distract Grell from asking him any more questions.

"A date?" Grell was confused, to say the least, but he wasn't about to turn away from this opportunity. 

"I still haven't properly apologized to you," William avoided eye contact, "for that one time."

Grell snickered.

"You don't have to apologize for anything," he began. "It was my fault the whole thing happened in the first place, right? You were just going with the flow. I'm not mad with you, I promise."

"Are you sure?" William looked skeptical. How could someone be so accepting right off the bat? It didn't make much sense to him. He'd be better off just ignoring it. 

"Mhmm! Grell continued to smile a toothless grin. He had no interest in showing off his abnormally edged teeth to this individual yet. William would just have to wait until the two were better acquainted. No, that wasn't right. William should already know what kind of teeth Grell had from the first time the two had ever met. So, why was he still so incredibly self conscious about them? Was William likely to forget something like that? It didn't matter. He was going to continue to smile with his mouth closed. Yep. 

"Well," William stopped holding on to Grell, "if it doesn't bother you, then I guess I don't need to apologize and we don't need to go on this date."

"What?" Grell stared confused. Confusion was a look he enjoyed, apparently, because things kept confusing him. 

"Goodbye," William began to walk away. Grell refused to allow him this pleasure. He clung to his arm just as he had with Vincent previously. William might've been planning this all long. Or it could've been chance. In either case, William was both pleased and angered by the turn of events. He had promised himself that he wouldn't get attached to someone so easily. And yet, here Grell was. This was terrible. Absolutely miserable. 

"You can't just abandon me like this for no reason! If you won't play with me, I'll have to go back to Vincent! And he is already home by now, I'll bet," Grell frowned. This simple sentence angered William all the more and because of his anger he was half tempted to allow Grell to do as he wished. However, he knew that would be too cruel so he refrained from such a notion. William had no intentions of becoming attached to Grell but he found it even harder to abandon him. He had to make a choice. To abandon or not to abandon. That was the question. 

"Why do you insist on making this so difficult?" William asked. This question wasn't something Grell could answer.  

"Making what so difficult?"

"I cannot very well abandon you if you continue to behave in such a manner," William held his head in his hands and frowned before looking back at Grell. "What is it you want from me? A sex friend? A lover? Money? All of the above?"

"Romance," Grell answered. "I just want a little bit of romance in my life before..." he looked up at the sky and didn't finish the rest. There wasn't a point. He didn't want to admit to himself that he was going to disappear one of these days. Everyone does, eventually, but he would disappear a bit sooner than the rest and it saddened him to think about it.

"I am not the romantic type," William replied. He hadn't had a proper relationship in his entire life and he wasn't planning to start one any time soon. However, the way Grell spoke about it, the relationship would be a short one. There was no reason for him to refuse if it wasn't permanent. But first, he had to explain something to Grell.

"What do you see when you look at me?" He asked. Grell would probably respond in the same way everyone did.

"I see an attractive workaholic," Grell answered, even though he didn't know where this was going.

"People always tend to say the same thing without understanding," William sighed. "Let me ask you this instead, what do you think I do for a living?"

"Office worker?" Grell stared. Why was this an important part of their conversation?

William shook his head, "I work in the porn industry," he sighed, "I'm sure you can imagine why it would be difficult for me to have a relationship with anyone. But, knowing this, are you still going to tell me that you want to pursue this ridiculous endeavor?"

Grell laughed, "You? Really?" William was used to this type of response so he pulled out his phone, right there, in public, without giving a single fuck, and began to play a video for Grell to see.

"What the hell?!" Grell looked around to make sure no one saw, "Do you have no shame?" He asked as his face became the same color as his hair. Between you and me, he would totally be 'investigating' William's job later...

"Should I?" William simply adjusted his glasses and put his phone away. "Now, if you'll excuse me," he turned to leave hoping that he would finally be rid of the redhead once and for all, but that was not the case. 

"Wait," he said, "it doesn't really bother me, your job, I mean, well, what I mean to say is," his face only got more red as he continued, "I still want to go out with you." William sighed. This guy was a hard soul to get rid of. That was new. What should he do?

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