Painting Fifteen

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"Hey, Vincent," Grell ran behind his coworker to catch up, "remember when I was drunk and slept with someone thinking they were you because I was totally wasted?" he asked. Nice going, Grell, that is a brilliant way to start a conversation. Keep up the good work. 

"Why are you bringing this up again?" Vincent stopped walking and just stared at the male with a confused look. "Weren't you completely embarrassed about the whole thing?"

"It turns out the guy is totally not my type," Grell frowned, "but he totally is my type," Grell cried. He was completely conflicted. Desperately desperate. He didn't have much time left to worry about the specifics. He just wanted a little romance before his time of death came. Was that too much to ask?

"What is that supposed to mean?" Vincent asked. Grell needed to get his life together or Vincent was going to have a major issue in the future. Vincent was going to have a major issue anyway. 'Issue' was his middle name. He found problems with everyone and anyone. 

"I've fallen for the guy but he is such a workaholic. He won't go on any dates with me no matter how much I try. He keeps saying I'm annoying and that it was all a mistake," Grell grabbed Vincent's shoulders. "It was destiny. Fate. I don't care. I need him to start to like me. Please, give me some of your wise wisdom, Vincent. You are my last hope. How do I seduce a complete stranger?"

"Are you insulting me right now?" Vincent frowned. "I feel like that was an insult and I do not approve this message. You should think again about how to ask for a favor and come back to me at a later date," Vincent began walking again but Grell just followed behind.

"I'm sorry, I'll admit that sounded really terrible but you have to help me. I won't find another person in my life! I need my romance now! He is my last hope!" Grell sobbed.

"You're telling me, that a guy you had sex with while drunk is somehow your soulmate?" Vincent had his doubts.

"I don't want to hear that from the person who fell in love with a homeless stranger at first sight and kidnapped him," Grell retaliated.

"Maybe that's your issue," Vincent snickered. "You have to kidnap him and then make him love you as an after thought."

"Vincent! Be serious here! I'm begging you!" Grell pleaded.

"And, what exactly am I going to get out of this?" Vincent raised an eyebrow. Grell crossed his arms and sighed. Why was his one and only friend being such a pain in the butt? How hard was it to help someone in need? Vincent needed to step up his friendship game or Grell would ditch him. No, that was impossible. Grell had no one else to call a friend. 

"I thought you were nicer than this," Grell shed a single tear, "but it seems I was mistaken. Here I was, just asking a friend for a piece of advice, only to be turned away and fed to the wolves."

"Will you stop being so dramatic?" Vincent sighed. "I'll give you a single piece of advice," Grell's eyes lit up with hope. "If you think, for one second, that this guy might like you, why don't you try making him jealous? He might be getting used to the fact that you're always chasing after him. If you just stop, maybe it'll open his eyes."

"Vincent," Grell inhaled and exhaled, "this guy would probably be relieved if I stopped chasing him."

"Maybe you should just give up on him," Vincent suggested. "After all, you've only talked to each other twice, right? How do you know he is the one for you?" 

"Because he is, okay?" Grell defended his imaginary romance. He didn't want to explain to Vincent that he didn't have much time left. He was trying to live his life to the fullest without regrets. He couldn't tell people about his condition. That would only bring him unwanted pity. However, Grell had a feeling that Vincent didn't have the capacity of feeling something as silly as 'pity' for any human being or creature. Grell often wondered if Vincent was human. There was something strange about him. Grell couldn't place a finger on what that strangeness was. 

"Right, okay, well, you have fun with that," Vincent rolled his eyes and continued making his way back to his apartment. He only wanted to get more art supplies. He had no intentions of crossing paths with Grell and being forced to give weird advice. Vincent wasn't a relationship expert. He should be the last person someone went to for that kind of help. 

"No! You can't leave me!" Grell grabbed Vincent's arm and clung to it tightly. "I haven't even gotten a decent piece of help from you yet! Why are you so cruel?!" 

"Do I look like a basket of bunnies?" Vincent glared. 

"You don't want me to answer that honestly, do you?" Grell snickered.

"Listen, I am going to be late because of you and I can assure you one-hundred percent that the person waiting for me will have your head if you don't let me go home," Vincent sighed.

"I guess that makes you the White Rabbit, doesn't it?" Grell continued to snicker. "Are you off to visit the Queen of Hearts? Or just the queen of your heart?" Grell winked. 

"Was that supposed to be funny? Am I supposed to laugh now?" Vincent did not appreciate being made into a joke. He'd get Grell back for this one of these days. When he least expected it, Vincent would be waiting, and then he'd strike. 

"Grell?" A voice that wasn't familiar to Vincent called out to the redhead clinging to his arm. No, he had heard that voice before. Vincent remembered the night he dropped Grell off at that hotel. What exactly had happened that night? Vincent was curious but he wasn't curious enough to ask questions. It wasn't really his business to interfere. That's what he thought. But when he turned his head to look behind him, and he saw that stuck up atmosphere that surrounded the glasses wearing male, he couldn't help himself from wanting to tease him. He wasn't a fan of black haired individuals. They all reminded him of Diedrich. 

"Will? But what are you doing here?" Grell was clearly not expecting to run into this guy. Vincent smirked. Maybe it was Grell's fated partner after all. 

The male brought a finger to the bridge of his nose and adjusted his glasses before responding, "I am not a legal document, my name is William," he sounded quite tense. Maybe that was just his personality but there was something in his voice that Vincent recognized. He was going to use that to his advantage. Grell, you should be grateful that you have such a wonderful friend.  

"Well, William, do you have business with Grell?" Vincent emphasized the stranger's name to annoy him. It worked. He wrapped his arm around Grell's waist. Grell, who was used to giving and receiving when it came to physical contact, didn't seem to care. William, on the other hand, looked more and more agitated by the minute. Grell didn't notice, but Vincent did, and Vincent was the only one who needed to know. He wasn't about to help his friend chase after someone that didn't care an ounce about him. William's reaction had just proven to Vincent that he was the jealous type. 

"I do."

Vincent glanced at Grell. The guy didn't show any signs of knowing what William was talking about. William must be lying. "Oh?" Vincent began to slide his hand down Grell's body one inch at a time, "Is that right?" he asked. Just a little more, maybe, and the guy would snap. Grell was incredibly clueless to the battle William and Vincent were currently participating in. 

William grabbed Grell's hand and forcibly removed him from Vincent. He then dragged Grell away in the opposite direction. Vincent smiled. "Thank me later, Grell," he thought aloud as he watched the angry William kidnap his friend. "I'll be considering what type of payment I'll ask for," Vincent continued walking in the direction of his apartment. He hoped Adrian wouldn't be too furious at the smell of Grell. Maybe he wouldn't even notice. Vincent hoped the latter was true.

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