Painting Five

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Adrian was pinned against a wall. He was losing the feeling in his limbs. Was there something in that drink? He was drugged even though he had told himself to be careful dozens of times. Adrian used all of his strength and the person wouldn't leave him alone. He heard the sound of his clothes being ripped. No. No. This wasn't supposed to be happening. 

He felt a blade against his skin. Why did it always turn out like this? Just because he was pale people thought of him as a doll. Over and over again they wanted to test to see if he was human. Of course he was. He was human like everyone else. Although, there were times he wished he was the grim reaper himself. That way he could get revenge on all the people that had done this to him.

Adrian heard the sound of the blood landing against the floor but he couldn't feel anything. It must be the drug. Who was holding the knife? Who was it this time? Adrian squinted in the darkness but his eyes weren't adjusted to it yet. 

"You wanted me to be a terrible person, didn't you?" the voice was familiar but it sounded so distant and cold. Adrian tried to focus on the face but he couldn't see it clearly. "Nice words turn into lies. Isn't that what you always told yourself? Never trust anyone because they'll turn. If you won't trust me, I'll just be what you're used to," a hand grabbed his chin and directed his face upward. He could see clearly that the person in front of him was Vincent but he couldn't believe that it was really him. Something was wrong. Vincent shouldn't be like those people. The sound of blood hitting the floor and the look on Vincent's face was telling him otherwise. 

"I'll make your dream come true," Vincent's face held a sadistic grin. Adrian didn't know what to think anymore. He closed his eyes and hoped that it would all go away. And it did. He woke up lying in the same bed as he'd fallen asleep in. He lifted up the shirt he stole from Vincent the night before. He wasn't bleeding. There weren't any new scars. It was all a dream. Just a terrible nightmare. 

Adrian felt the sweat slide down his body. What was that? What had caused that to happen? He looked around and Vincent wasn't there. Was he gone? Had he never returned after all? Adrian jumped out of the bed and ran around the apartment frantically. Vincent was nowhere to be found. Was it all a lie? What was the last thing that was real?

The door opened and Adrian swiftly turned around. Vincent was holding bags of groceries. "You're awake! Sorry, I thought you would still be asle-" Adrian ran down the hallway and jumped on Vincent. He clung to him like a koala. Everything was fine now. Vincent had really come back. His dream was just a bad dream. Everything was completely fine. 

"Oh, you weren't lying when you said you kidnapped a homeless person," a stranger's voice spoke. Adrian looked at the stranger through his fringe. It was another male with long hair like Adrian's. However, his hair was a brilliant red and his clothes were the same shade. The stranger smiled to reveal sharp pointed teeth. 

"His name is Adrian," Vincent introduced him whilst trying to carry the groceries into the kitchen. Balancing both hands full of bags and a person clinging to him was a difficult task. He managed it okay though. 

He placed the bags on the floor of the kitchen and wandered over to the couch to sit. Adrian wasn't as light as he used to be. This was a workout. "That individual over there is Grell. He is my coworker," he explained to Adrian.

"How rude! We are friends with benefits at least," Grell pouted. Adrian glared from behind his hair and bit Vincent's neck. 

"You've made him mad. Grell, you should apologize for misleading information."

"It isn't misleading!" Grell crossed his arms. "Need I remind you of that one night? How dare you violate me and then forget about it! What do you have to say for yourself? You nasty playboy! I'll never be able to marry anyone now!" Adrian bit down harder on Vincent's neck. Any more biting and Vincent would bleed.

"Grell, what are you remembering? I just took your sorry drunk ass to a hotel and left you there. Did you perhaps imagine something in your dreams?" Vincent rolled his eyes. 

"You're lying! That was not a dream. Even my brain couldn't think up something like that!" Grell thought about it for a minute and then sat down in a chair defeated. "Actually, you have a point. I very well could've imagined that. But it felt so real when yo-"

"Grell!" Vincent interrupted and covered Adrian's ears with his hands, "there are children present."

"If that is a child," Grell pointed to Adrian, "then you're a damn pedophile," he pointed to Vincent. "You and I both know that if I tried to suck on you like that you'd snap my neck in two," Grell sighed. He was defeated. Was there no one out there for him?

Vincent smiled and pet Adrian's head, "Uny is Uny. I just can't get mad at him for long."

Grell's phone rang. It was a number that he didn't recognize but he answered it anyway. "Hello?" Grell looked at his phone. He was confused. The person just hung up. There was a text now. Grell was so shocked he dropped his phone. "Vincent..." his face was red just like his hair, "I think I know why it felt so real now and I want to die..."

Grell slammed his head on the table to try and give himself amnesia, "I'm not some easy whore! Just how drunk was I?" he asked and continued to slam his head. Vincent burst out into a fit of laughter.

"I wish I had an Alexa to play Despacito," Vincent continued laughing. Grell glared and left. "Leaving so soon?"

"I have to sort this mess out and regain my dignity," Grell shed a single tear and closed the door. 

"He is gone now, are you going to continue biting my neck?" Vincent asked. Adrian didn't respond. Vincent kept allowing him to hurt him. He didn't understand. Was he a masochist? Or was he just treating Adrian like a child? Adrian didn't know but he knew that Vincent's personality was all messed up. He didn't get mad often, if ever, and he was always smiling like an idiot. He acted like a doll but Adrian was the one that looked like a doll. 

Vincent picked up Adrian's hand, "Your nails are so long," he observed. He could see a bruise on Adrian's wrist. Vincent didn't realize how hard he'd been holding Adrian's wrist that time. He felt a bit guilty. "We should paint them. What is your favorite color?"

Adrian finally stopped biting Vincent's neck. He straddled Vincent and ran both of his hands through Vincent's hair to mess it up. 'Blue,' he mouthed. Adrian had always liked the color of Vincent's hair. The more he looked at it the more he thought he would be eaten up by it. 

Vincent's eyes widened and a steady stream of tears trailed down his face. No one had ever liked his hair before. Even Diedrich thought it was a strange color. But here Adrian was, clearly enjoying Vincent's hair. He didn't understand what it was that he was feeling. Relief? Acceptance? 

The tears had startled Adrian. He wondered if he had done something wrong. Vincent clung to Adrian tightly and cried in his chest. He was making the shirt all wet but it didn't bother Adrian. "My hair is a strange color," Vincent said. Adrian sighed and grabbed a small section of his own hair. He tickled Vincent's ear with it. Vincent could only understand that to mean 'so is mine, idiot' and began laughing.

"We're the perfect match, aren't we?" Vincent smiled and looked up at Adrian. "I bet our children will be super cute!"

Children? Adrian frowned. Surely Vincent knew that the both of them couldn't have children. What was he thinking about in that head of his? "Let's make lots of babies in the future, okay?" Vincent grinned. Adrian didn't understand a single thing about this guy. There must be a screw loose or something. 

"Hey, I love you, you know?" Vincent used his hand to push Adrian's head down. Their lips collided and Adrian didn't know how to respond. It wasn't much of a kiss, just a simple peck, but Adrian couldn't stop his face from turning red. He immediately ran away from Vincent and ran to the bedroom to hide underneath blankets. Apparently that was his only hiding spot. Vincent didn't chase after him. He just continued to sit on the couch.

"Too soon?" he thought aloud.

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