The Dreams

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So far, I had five dreams.

Dream one

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Dream one.

I posted daily on my account. Every since their debut, the amount of posts I have, are equivalent to the amount of days deobis have known THEBOYZ.

There were times when I just wanted to stop because I was stressed, but then finally.

I didn't even like Kevin anymore, my bias is really Sunwoo.

But for the sake of my account, I just pretended I was 100% in love with the moonboy.

Why? Why don't I like THE

Kevin Moon ?

If you're willing to know, and not hating me,
I felt like he was different after he debuted.
It's like getting married to somebody; he wasn't my boyfriend anymore.

Haha, that's too serious.

I just felt like he wasn't my match.


but ever since then,

I had these dreams... I would call them nightmares because I have this sort of emotion towards Kevin, but he was always ... so... nice...

that was my first SUPER REALISTIC, beautiful dream

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that was my first SUPER REALISTIC, beautiful dream.
Rereading that was WILD.
But can you just imagine? Being married to Kevin? I'm pretty sure the boy wants to be a singer as long as he can. So, no time for marriage.

Dream two.

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Kevin Moon, Sweet Dreams Where stories live. Discover now