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I saw him.

No, I saw him.

I walked slowly without knowing, and banged my hands together acting like I'm in a marching band or something.

Like seriously? Am I hiding myself? Or am I asking for attention.

That is when he saw me.

That look triggered my heart as cringey as it sounds.

Oh my god, did I forget how to control my breathing?

I fell.

I legit fell.

"Oh shoot, are you okay?" His voice asked and offered me a hand.

"I'm fine!" I got up and sat on the chair in front of him.

"Pretend it didn't happen." I patted his hand, then looked out the window.

"Wait, are you—?" Kevin spoke, and I darted my eyes straight into his.

"You're the winner, right? You're late!" He joked.

"Yeah, I'm the winner!" I cheered.

"What's the password?" He brought his face close to me.

"What password?" I asked confused.

"Okay, so, I'm Kevin." He showed his hand to me.

"I'm Angel." I shook his hand. "What's your favorite fan accounts?"

He pulled out his phone and showed me an account for him that had over thousands of followers, then, one that had all his members for one account, and last he actually showed mine.

"Ha, why do you like them?" I asked.

"Well, since this one was a popular one of me, I easily saw it, the next one translates our tweets into English, and this one.. I just chose it." He ended his explanation with a chuckle.

"Wait, why was I chosen as the winner?" I asked confused.

"Our manager chose the winner." He plainly said.

I suddenly felt dishonored, like, Kevin didn't choose me? He doesn't even know if I'm the winner winner ?

"Do you want some coffee?" He asked flirtatiously and I gave a disgusted look.

"I don't like coffee."

He then barked with laughter, "Then why on earth did you choose this place?"

"Because you like coffee." I told him.

His expression changed from silly to soft.

"Thanks, but what about you?"

"They serve tea as well, let's go order together." I smiled and offered my hand.

It's a date, so why don't we be close?

He grabbed my hand as we walked to the register.

"Don't you think this is kind of too much?" He mumbled embarrassedly looking at our hand.

Maybe I look too much like a rookie of dating..

"I see, you're just flustered a bit." I teased and ordered my drink, and I signaled for Kevin to order too.

"I'll pay." I said and pulled out my wallet.

"Please, you're suppose to let me do it." Kevin told me.

I sat down at the table waiting for Kevin to come back.

Why couldn't he just wait at the table until they called our names?

Kevin came back.

"Don't forget, it's your day, so we can do whatever you want, don't worry about the money." Kevin passed my drink.

"I don't know why it seems like you don't like me much." Kevin said out in the open.

"Or maybe you like me so much, you're acting like this!" He winked.

"Don't flatter yourself." I said, but I felt that nasty heat on my cheeks.

"You have a fan account!" He pointed at me.

"It's not you!" I lied.

"Oh really?" He questioned me.

It's not like he really knows, he didn't pick me.

"Who's your bias?" He makes our date into an interview.

"It's Sunwoo." I smiled cutely.

"Wowwww! You like the Sun, not the Moon?" Kevin posed.

"Hey, you cheeks are red!"

"I—" I drank my tea and refused to talk.

"Whoa, slow down Angel!" Kevin watched as the tea was disappearing.

"I don't know why you believed me." Kevin spoke.

I'm still drinking.

"Of course I chose you." Kevin looked at his fingers where he held his coffee.

"I know your account is of me, and I always wondered, who's behind that account?"

"So, I asked my manager if I could make a contest."

Kevin turned his face to me.

I choked.

I swear, it's because of drinking too fast

Wait, was I listening?

Did he- what he- oh my-

"Luckily, you signed up for the contest, and your answers left me so curious like: did I know this person? Is this a girl or a boy? Are they my friend? Are they a stranger?"

"I left you curious?" I finally spoke after coughing up a storm.

"Yeah, super curious." Kevin answered in a soft tone.

God, could he get even cuter?

I grabbed his coffee drink and began drinking it.

"Hey! You said you didn't like coffee!!" Kevin chuckled.

"I can't help but feel a little dehydrated." I spoke all professionally.

"You're so cute." That's it.

I spatted my entire mouth full of coffee in front of Kevin's perfect face and body.

Kevin Moon, Sweet Dreams Where stories live. Discover now