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"I mean it, I'm sorry Kevin." I said.

"It's cool." He said nicely.

"You mean, it's hot." I said for the millionth time and laughed.

"Yes! It was hot!" Kevin complained.

"I told you, you can spit coffee back at me." I shook his shoulder.

"I don't want to hurt you!" Kevin answered.

Haha cute. I hate myself.

"Did you get hurt?" I touched his face.

"No." Kevin answered quickly.

"THEN STOP SAYING IT WILL HURT ME!!!" I did that ugly fake yell scream thing.

"You're just scareddddd." I dragged my words looking through clothes.

He didn't respond.

"Wanna wear matching couple outfits?"

"I mean, it's your day." Kevin replied.

"Here! You wear pink, I wear blue!" I went to go pay for the outfit but Kevin slapped my wallet.

"Here's my card." He passed to the lady at the cash register.

"Can I have your number too?" The lady bit her lip seductively and winked.

I wanted to say I'm jealous, but Kevin made me change my mood.

"Ask my girlfriend." He turned to me biting his lip with a wink.

I'm a soft stan I'm a soft stan I'm a soft stan.

"Well? Can I?" She asked with an eyebrow raised and a hint of an attitude in her voice.

"I don't know it either sista." I responded.

Kevin laughed at me and we both went to change.

"We're going to have to go eat somewhere, I haven't eaten, have you?"

"Aw, you're cute in pink." I said.

"Thanks, you're beautiful in blue."

"Thanks." I said quickly and I wanted to walk a little farther than him, but

he used his fingers to intertwine with mine.

"There's not a lot of questions that you want to ask me, do you?" Kevin stared straight.

I thought I did.

I felt a light bulb above my head.

"What are some cool facts you have about yourself? I need it for my posts." I asked.

He pondered a bit.

We spoke and chatted.

"Let's go in a super fancy place with our clothes like this." Kevin hunched his body to me as he spoke.

"I like the way you think." I responded,

"However, I'm not that short." I push his body to straighten up.

Oh shoot never mind.

"How tall are you?" Kevin asked me whilst holding the door open.

"Five foot four... in a half." I walked straight into the restaurant.

"Oh, then you're perfect to do this to." Kevin reached for me and gave me a hug.

He laid his head on mine.


That's so cute.

I squeezed him back, if only I was shorter I could be listening to his heartbeat.


If only I was taller I could easily peck his lips.

"Excuse me, only for two, right? Do you two have a reservation? We're busy today."

Kevin gave an awkward laugh, "No, we didn't make a reservation, we'll just go somewhere else." The lady smiled reassuringly.

"Sorry, maybe next time!" She told us.

We walked out and I look at Kevin strangely.

"You're a little touchy on the first date." I noted.

"Really? Does it seem like that?" He scratched his neck.

"Are you uncomfortable?" He stood beside me.

"Nah, I'm just hungry, it's like 2 in the afternoon now.

"Let's eat there." Kevin pointed.

"Oh, a Thai cuisine." I feel my stomach beg for it.

"Fun fact," I say and Kevin looked at me interested.

"Thai cuisines are usually owned by Lao people, and our food is usually the "Thai food"." I explained.

"You're lao?" He questioned.

"Yeah, have you heard of Laos?" I asked with hope.

"Um yeah, I knew a few." He smiled.

"I'm not hating on Thailand, I'm also Thai. I'm mixed with one more race too."

"Korean?" He asked.

"Ha! Nope! Let's go eat." I walked in to see a few people eating curry, spicy papaya salad, and sweet mango.

But um

I saw a piano too, at the other side of the wall.

"Sabaidee." We were greeted.

"Sabaidee!" I respond with a bow and held my hands together.

"Look, a piano!" Kevin and I both pointed out.

"Oh yes, do you two know how to play?" She asked us in Thai.

"Um, yeah!" I replied in Lao.

They lady in the traditional dress looked at me questionably and laughed.

"Go ahead and play!" She said in Lao.

"If you play good, I'll give you two free dessert." She said in English and I elbowed Kevin.

"I want to play something." Kevin ran to sit down.

He played ...

Almost is never enough.

Just like his performance on kpop star.

I scooted him over so I could play as well, and sang the second verse.

He looked genuinely surprised.

I looked at him with a wink.

"Wow! You two are great!!" Everyone cheered.

"Cute couple!" The lady gushed towards us.

I felt like I already ate the spicy papaya salad.

Kevin Moon, Sweet Dreams Where stories live. Discover now