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We ate our food deliciously, but we also held a small concert so we didn't have to pay.


Now, it's roughly 6:30.

시간이 안지나가 ㅠㅠ

<<I don't have the time>>

I stared at my phone and couldn't believe the time is acting like Usain Bolt today.

I was surprised my mom hasn't texted me or called me.

"It would've been cooler if we were in Korea or something." I said aloud.

"What makes you think we can't be in Korea?"

"Don't tell me you forgot how long it takes to get there?!" I shook Kevin.

"No, you don't have a Korean town nearby or anything?" Kevin stopped his walk.

"I'm tired of walking right now too, so should we grab a ride and go to Korean Town?" Kevin suggested.

"But, it'll take at least an hour to get to Carrolton, it's rush hour." I explained.

"I'm calling Uber." Kevin reached for his phone.

I couldn't help but smile at that act.

I literally want to say "Cute." every single time he does something.

"What? Did you just call me cute?" Kevin cheesed.

"Oh. My. God." I screamed wildly.

Kevin pulled me close to his body.

For why


But I see the reason is because I almost died from our Uber driver.

The ride, was the longest ride ever, but I pretended I was sleeping after the first five minutes.

Guess what he did.

He gently used his hand to let me lay on his shoulder.


"It may be longer than you expected, I heard there was an accident nearby." The driver told Kevin.

Kevin and the driver chatted for a long time, I think, because I really went to sleep after they talked about boring things.

"Hey! Snorlax! Wake up!" Kevin patted my shoulder.

I gasped, "How loud did I snore?"

Kevin sucked in his breath and roared.

"Nah, you lyin" I slapped his arm.

"Nah, I'm for real." Kevin made a shocked face, "Don't tell me you couldn't hear yourself?!"

"I hate you!!" I whined embarrassed.

Kevin only pulled me close to him.

"You're such a whiner." He commented.

"What if so many people recognize you?" I panicked.

"Really, that's your concern?" Kevin sounded really serious.

"The day is so close to ending, and it's suppose to be your day!" Kevin said with frustration.

"Wait, what time is it?"

"It's 8 ish." Kevin answered with a calmer tone.

Do you know what that means?

That means if you're a hopeless romantic,

Get comfy and watch the sunset.

"That's too bad." I looked up at the skies.

Kevin seemed to get the idea,
he walked inside a building and spoke to the people.

Kevin gave me a goofy smile and I reached for his hand as we ran up the staircase.

Once we were at the balcony, the skies were a beautiful red orange.

Kevin looked at my eyes and followed it to the skies above us.

"If you're thinking the sky is beautiful, you're wrong." Kevin spoke.

"It's you." He looked at me when he whispered.

Whenever the sunlight disappeared, it didn't take much longer for the stars to shine for us.

"If you're thinking the stars are shining, you're wrong."

"It's you." I mocked him back.

You know what'd be perfect? A kiss?

But I don't know how thaT worKs


mama said NO kiSSeS.  xx

"Let's go back down."

Kevin ruined the mood. :<

I followed him downstairs and we walked out the store.

"You really don't want to ask me anymore questions?" Kevin looked into my eyes.

Since when did I feel so shy?

I took a deep breath while holding his hands.

"What's your number?"

He laughed.

"I gave that to you already."

"No, my sister has it." I told him.

"Oh, she has my manager's number then."

Kevin nodded his head.

"Well? Then give me your personal email."

He just laughs out loud,

"I can't do that!!" He just swings our arms.

"Then, don't tell me to ask you questions!" I crossed my arms disappointed.

"In case you don't know, you may be a celebrity, but once you return to your life, I'm the celebrity." I bumped my shoulder to him.

"Really? How's that?" He bumped back with his butt.

"You could never get ahold of me because I'm a hidden gem. I'm gonna be so hard to reach." I stopped to look at him.

His last name has got to have some magic, because he is unrealistically shining through the dark.

"Did you just switch our roles?" Kevin sassed at me.

"It's the truth! Actually, I have one extra question." I said confidently but

never mind!!! i don't !!! want!! to ask!!! for!!! a!!! kiss!!! anymore!!!! haha!!!!!

"What do you want to do now?" I asked instead of my initial question.

"Wanna eat?" Kevin held his stomach with his free hand.

"You're hungry again?!" I teased.

"Fine, no food." Kevin pouted.

I pretended that I barfed from his facial expression.

"You're so mean!" Kevin pushed me.

"I'M MEAN?" I pointed at his evil hands.

"Let's have tteokbokki." I shrugged whatever happened.

"Oh my gosh, you're bipolar?" Kevin hopped on my back.

"Ouch! Get off!" I fell on the ground dramatically.

I'm just dramatic hehe.

"Are you okay??" He panicked.

"Duh." I rolled my eyes.

"I hope your eyes get stuck." He flicked my forehead.

"I hope your face stays like that! Ugly! So I could puke all the time." I pushed his forehead with my pointing finger.

Kevin Moon, Sweet Dreams Where stories live. Discover now