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Listen to 'A Drop In The Ocean' by 'Ron Pope'

Charlotte's POV

The rain pours outside my bedroom as I sit starring out of it.

I like the rain; it's peaceful. Calming.

The sound of the water hitting and the way it runs so effortlessly down the glass.

It was our favourite thing.

And he was all I had.

So I guess the rain is what holds me closest to him.

It will be 6 months next month since his death.

And it's all her fault.

I hate her.

My mom walked out on us when I was 9 and my brother 11 leaving my dad to look after the both of us alone.

Then 8 years later she shows up. Just because he was trying to help us, not her.
He was.

And that's when it happened.

They were arguing in the car, she lost control and he had to pay for her mistake.

My dad lost everything after the accident. He lost himself. Now all he does is drink. He's hardly ever home and hanging onto his job by a thread.

I have to work at the mall a couple of days a week because I don't trust that my dads job will keep us going for much longer.

I don't earn much but I'm just saving up.

For what? I don't even know anymore.

It all seems so pointless now. Like I'm saving up but there's nothing to live for.

My life's a mess. There's only one thing together and that's my school work.

Not great when I tell you the reason is because I have no social life and one friend.

Her name is Ellie. She's really sweet and she was there for me when my brother passed but I can't help but feel like she'd be better off without me.

She deserves a life without worrying about me. I don't even tell her how I feel half the time. It's just easier.

It's easier not to tell anyone. No one understands.

So keeping it in is just how I've learnt to cope.



I hope you enjoy.

I love you x

𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐲 | 𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now