{2} How we met the Host Club

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(This is kinda like HimeTachabina second chapter except, from Mari's pov)

(this is kinda a better representation of what Mari looks like, except her hair is longer , and of course her signature golden eyes)

.-+Mari's POV+-.

It was getting pretty boring in the club room, so I run out of the room ignoring the cries of my brother saying he is in perfect shape. "I'm gonna go hang out with Eren!" I yell to everyone. I'm almost all the way out the door when Tamaki stops me and scolds me. 

"I don't want my two daughters fighting. It is not very ladylike-" Tamaki says while I send him a glare. (which I do a lot) He squeaks (like a mouse) and hides behind Kyoya. I know I shouldn't leave in that kind of manor so I walked up to him and hugged him and once I stopped hugging him I looked up at him and smiled. 

"Like I said! I am going to hang out with Eren now..." I lied. I don't even know where Eren is, to be honest he's been kind of clingy lately so any time apart from him is perfect.  Eren Jaeger is my boyfriend of course, I haven't told my family much about him though so whenever I mention him my family starts asking tons of questions about him trying to figure out as much as they can. 

I've never mentioned the part about Eren's adopted sister, Mikasa, trying to scare me off and to stay away from Eren. If they weren't siblings they would be a cute couple though. But I'll explain that story another time, because right now I'm too lazy to do it soo yeah!

.-+Tama-chan's POV+-. 

My darling Momo smiled at me, I couldn't help but blush, I know she's my daughter and I shouldn't be thinking of my darling daughter  in that way but I'm not very good at hiding my emotions if you couldn't tell, and around her there is definitely no hiding them. Her smile is worth the entire world and makes me blush almost every time I see it. If it's an evil smile then most time I shudder, but if it's her real genuine smile, then I can't help but blush. 

.-+Kyoya's POV+-.

As I was about to grab Tamaki's attention to discuss some things  I saw that he was distracted by one of the host's. The host he was distracted by, why of course it was Momo. Besides I should know when he's distracted by her, I mean it's not like it's an irregular occurrence. He tries to do it when Mari isn't around, because if Mari was here she would be yelling 'Momo is Mori's only! Touch her and you'll be missing a limb! GOT IT' he learned from it happening to him once or twice. But her smile was contagious, so when I looked at her I instantly smiles my genuine smile.  *que Author-chan shuddering at the thought of her Shadow King smiling... I MEAN OUR SHADOW KING! *que blush from Author-chan**

~I'm skipping the rest of the POV's cuz I'm a lazy Author-chan *shurg*~

I walk through the halls of the pink school, the architecture of this place is amazing. I hear footsteps coming up next to me, I look down to see a girl with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes looking up at me and smiling. 

(this pic is bigger than I thought, also this is the girl)

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(this pic is bigger than I thought, also this is the girl)

I sighed and looked at my little sister. "Hello Ai, what do you want." I say looking down at her. She 'humphed' and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I came here to see you and Mamoru in your club, but your not with your club, aren't you supposed to be with them?" she asked me innocently. 'Why this little bi-' 

"Fine let me take you back to the room, but you can't let them know you saw me,"  I said waving my finger at her. She started giggling and skipping behind me, while following me to the room. After a good 100 questions from Ai asking what the boys are like, and me ignoring the questions, we reach the doors. "Here we are!" I said pointing to the doors. I watched my little sister open the doors, when she opened them I watched her shield her eyes and cover her mouth. Which made me think about the first day I opened those doors. 


Momo and I were walking through the halls of the school trying to find home work, and of course because I didn't know my ways around these halls and neither did Momo, we kept running into dead ends. When they weren't dead ends they were rooms with loud people in them or people being love birds which made me sick to my stomach. 

"Why is this school so damn big!" Momo yelled making me a little agitated from us still not finding a place to study.

"I'm not sure? Why are you so damn loud, I think I lost some of my hearing ability in my right ear!" I yell back at her. I wanted to say another word besides damn but, I chose to be nice.

"You know, sarcasm isn't always appreciated." Momo said sarcastically.

"But it's smartassy, therefore funny!" I justify.

"True dat!" Momo preached, while we were still walking. After a couple of minutes we stumble upon a room while still looking for a room to do homework, but we ran into to someone coming out of the room. While we were looking we stumbled upon the one and only Haruhi Fujioka. 

We eventually all ended up looking for a place together, we wandered upon all of the music rooms and saw music room three. "It should be abandoned." I point out to my fellow friends. Momo opened the doors only to be greeted by a blinding light and rose petals. When the light faded I saw that there was 6 boys, along with a choking Momo. 'She inhaled a flower petal!' I thought while trying to hold back my laughs and eventually failing. 

"Welcome!" The boys say in sync (BYE BYE BYE!).

"Princess! Are you okay?!?!" An energetic blonde yelled with beautiful purple-blue eyes. 

"Yeah, I'm totally fine, just choking on a rose petal!" Momo yelled in between her coughs, making me stop admiring the may I say handsome boy and start rolling on the ground laughing. I saw Momo basically making a mental note, but because it was a mental note, I couldn't see what it said. Eventually she stopped choking and I stopped dying from laughter and we looked at all the boys that were in the room.

"Who are you people?" Momo said in-between her panting for breath.

"We my dear princess." The blonde said making me clear my throat so he would see that there is indeed princesses.

"-my dear princesses! We are the Ouran Highschool Host Club!" he said with sparkles and more rose petals. 

"Don't start choking again Momo" I said under my breath as she looked at the rose petals. We both looked back at the club. 'This is such a weird club, yet I want to check it out. Interesting....' I think while I assume Momo was thinking the same thing.

:) ___________ (:

Hey guys this is my second... chapter to this story! HimeTachabina you should really continue writing onto yours *COUGH FRICKEN COUGH* The next part will maybe be short? Idk but it won't be based off of One of Hime's stories... It will be based off of our texts XD. I'M OUT PEACE!

Mari Tanaka and the Ouran High School Host Club ~ OHSHCWhere stories live. Discover now