{7} How much longer?

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(also in that pic it's supposed to be Mari so make it brown hair and gold eyes)

~two months after the Eren incident~

.-+ Hikaru's POV +-.

'Hey Mari, I know you probably can't hear me, but I just wanted you to know that everyone at this school misses you. The days where I was annoyed are still the days that I'm annoyed without you here to cheer me up at the club. Guys have been asking when your coming back, we also have a new kid at the school who joined the club. He seems a lot like you, but he hasn't put the spirit back into the club yet. Eren is getting better, we visited him the other day, the only problems is that he had severe brain damage and might not remember a lot of people. Please come back to Ouran. We miss you.' I wrote this all down on paper. I put it where I have been putting the rest of my letters, because whenever I put them there they aren't there the next day, I don't know if Mari takes them or if it's just some kid, but I have hope.

~time skip to after class at the host club~

"Hello ladies, we won't be having host club again today. Sorry to inform you, but we will have extended time probably next time we open." Tamaki says to the girls waiting at the doors.

"Hikaru do you have any news from her?" Momo asked quietly. Her and I have both been on the lookout for Mari, some of the others gave up after the first month.

"Hika-chan, do you think that Mari is still alive?" Honey asked me.

"Of course I do! I have faith in her, and besides I got a crap ton of hope too!" I say trying to sound happy for him. "Uh may I be excused, I have to put this letter on the tree," I say to the hosts. Tamaki nods at me saying that I can go, once he does I take off for the woods. When I get to the tree that I put my letters I notice there is one with 'Hikaru' written on it. I'm overjoyed so I open it.

'Dear Hikaru,

It's been quite a while hasn't it, since you last saw me. If you want to see me come to the old factory outside of that shady neighborhood that I used to always talk about. If you bring anyone I'm prepared, come alone... please...

Thanks, with the little bit of emotion I have left,


'The old factory out side of the shady neighborhood?' I think to myself for a couple of minutes and then I take off.

.-+ Mari's POV +-.

I hear footsteps and shut the door to the room I'm in, the factory that I've been hiding in has many rooms and hallways that could take Hikaru a while to find me. I hear one set of footsteps 'good' I think to myself as I put my gun next to me. "Hikaru! Are you in here! I tracked you phone!" someone yells, I think Kaoru. I pick up my gun and put it to my head (like in pic but she's not crying)

"Go away Kaoru!" I heard Hikaru yell at Kaoru harshly.

"But Hikaru, I'm your twin. I don't want you to get hurt!" Kaoru yelled.

"If you don't leave then she might get hurt!" Hikaru yelled, I heard a door shut and lock and someone banging on it.

"Hikaru let me in!" I hear a muffled Kaoru yell. I put down my gun slowly and stand up in my 'room'. I hear Hikaru walking away from the room I'm in and I relax when all of a sudden the door to my room is yanked open and I'm face to face with Hikaru.

"Hi Hikaru," I say standing up and walking out of the room. I hear banging on the door and it finally gives way when Kaoru walks in. I dart back into my room and grab the gun, I point it at my head and walk away backwards from both of them.

Mari Tanaka and the Ouran High School Host Club ~ OHSHCWhere stories live. Discover now