Cheating at Life

458 11 34

May Contain Mild Sexual Content

reston approached Nerris slowly, "Is it usual for you two to destroy everything?"

She huffed, "Yeah, relationships and all."

That wasn't the answer Preston was hoping for. He sighed and saw a small notebook; Nerris' camp diary.

"Heyyy..." He picked it up, "Isn't this what David made us do back at Camp?"

Nerris scrambled to her feet and snatched it off him, "Yes, and you can not read it."

She pushed Preston onto her and Harrison's bed. He was stunned, not sure what to do. Preston was a loyal friend, but the temptation of doing things with his best friend's potential wife was out in the open. Nerris threw the notebook onto the desk and sat next to him. Preston sat up slowly, she rested her head on his shoulder and sighed heavily.

"You just crave the attention, don't you?" Preston asked, trying hard to not pounce onto her.

Nerris nodded. She knew it would be wrong for her to do things with Preston, and since she has Harrison's kid growing inside of her, it was a definite negatory. But something terrible started brewing up in her chest. He was right, she had been craving attention from Harrison for so long, she couldn't help it.

Preston was shocked at how Nerris swiftly grabbed his hair and pulled him into her. She kissed him roughly and passionately, but if he was honest, he was happy that she was doing this. Preston was always jealous of Harrison, he wanted to have Nerris for himself. They had more in common and they actually got along back at camp.

Nerris pulled away to take a small breath. She shoved him back again and straddled him. Preston, who always preferred to be in charge, flipped her over and took control. Nerris felt her cheeks heat up and she became heavily flustered. Yes, this is what she wanted from Harrison. This passion was something she never experienced before from the other perspective and Nerris realised that she started to enjoy it, really enjoy it.

Preston flipped her onto her stomach and sat on her back, pinning her. She was getting more and more excited with this newfound technique of doing things.

"So, how do you like that?" He stretched his arms and took off the frills from around his neck.

"Remember how Max used to call you 'Frilly-boy' sometimes?" She chuckled, trying to change the conversation topic whilst trying to get up. She still wanted to be the dominant one.

She was suddenly pushed back down to the blanket. Preston held her hands back as if he was about to arrest her. Nerris secretly moaned as Preston aggressively flipped her over once more,


Preston lent in and gave her another rough kiss, Nerris soaked and savoured it. He stopped and started nuzzling her neck. She shivered with worry, if Harrison ever found out about this, he would never forgive her... ever. She suddenly bucked her hips upwards as Preston got to a certain spot near her shoulder. He bit down on her lightly, just nipping the skin, sending tingles down her back. Nerris grabbed Preston and dug her nails into his back. It didn't hurt him too much, not that he would've minded, as his shirt was absorbing most of the pain. He lightly swirled his tongue over the spot on her shoulder for a little longer and lifted his head. Nerris smiled with ecstasy, she had to admit... Preston was pretty fun. He then grabbed her shirt and started to lift it, Nerris widened her eyes and shot out her hand.

"No Preston... that's only for Harrison..."

"Aww, c'mon. He's not even hereee and... don't you remember what he just did?"

She sighed, yes, she wanted to have more, but she still loves Harrison and he owns her, "No, Preston, this was far enough."

He stopped and let her get up. Nerris smiled, oh boy, if Harrison ever did find out about that little scene they just made, he would explode, maybe even literally. Preston shook his head in annoyance. Harrison won again, and he wasn't even in the house.

The two looked at each other for a while. The awkwardness was getting to Nerris, but Preston was annoyed, he knew she wanted more, but Harrison had her interest... he needed to change that. Nerris looked away, it was getting too much for her, so she suggested, "Uhh, do you need help with your new room, Prest-...Preston?"

He snapped back into reality, "Oh, yeah! That would be great actually Nerri!"

Nerris gulped, she didn't really want Preston to give her a pet name... but she held her tongue.

The two friends spent a few hours making Preston's room homier for him. Though Nerris spent most the time looking through his old scripts he had, they were pages thick. She thought of them more as novels than theatre scripts. Eventually, the two went to their own beds and tried to go to sleep. Nerris felt cold and lonely again, she couldn't go to sleep without Harrison sleeping with her. She wanted the comfort and warmth, so, as per usual, she grabbed her copy of 'The Hobbit' and read it... for the millionth time.

Eventually, Harrison returned home. He threw his bags across the room as he walked in and fell onto their bed. Nerris looked up from her book, "Harri, I'm sorry."

He looked up, confused, "Wait... you're apologising before me?"

"Yeah, I mean... I feel really bad, ok?"

This was very unusual, but Harrison was glad she had realised what she had done wrong.

"Well," he crawled up next to her, "I'm sorry too. I didn't mean anything that I said, and I know you didn't either."

Nerris hesitated before nodding. Harrison tilted his head and sat next to her, resting his head on her shoulder. She swallowed hard and waves of guilt started washing over her. Harrison started reading over her shoulder. He finished reading the two pages and waited for Nerris to turn them. But she didn't.

"You can turn the page, Nerri."

She flinched at the last word, but turned the page and put a bookmark in. Harrison lifted his head as Nerris sighed. He started to feel bad for some reason, so he decided to show her his new abilities he had secretly been working on.

"Nerris, want to see my new trick? I've been working on it for a long time~"

"If it's another trick with the dove, then no, Harri, I don't want to see it right now."

That finally raised a red flag, it was bad enough that she apologised before him and stopped reading her book before he could tell her to. Nerris never called Blanka 'a dove', but Harrison tried to shrug it off, "No, actually. It's this..."

Harrison grabbed his glass of water he always kept on his bedside table, just in case he puts the bed on fire... again. He held the glass in his right hand and put his left on top of it. Harrison slowly lifted his gloved hand, small droplets of water started rising from the amazingly still surface. He quickly glanced at Nerris to see if she was watching, she was... but not at what he was doing, she was staring straight through him. Harrison broke concentration and the water splashed back into the glass.

"Ta da? Nerris, were you even watching?"

"Harrison, I'm tired, just show me tomorrow." Nerris said as she lay on her back and tried to find a comfortable position to sleep in.

Harrison placed the glass down on his table and got out of his formal outfit. He turned off the light and lay next to Nerris. She turned and saw Harrison's back, she was bored she gently combed her fingers through his hair and started fiddling with it. Harrison was always stimulated by soft touching, (especially in a certain area), so he started to relax and felt tingles run down his spine. Eventually Harrison was so relaxed, he felt his grip on reality slip and he fell into a deep sleep.

The Disappointment - Camp Camp (Nerris X Harrison) (Old)Where stories live. Discover now