Chapter 3: The Present

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~7 years later~


So ya, that's my story. MY hard life is still continuing. I'm still working at the music store and luckily have gotten a raise! Online classes are going well, but it's not as great as real college classes. I am also working at a liquor store and that also pays good. I'm alive, and making it through always remembering my parents along the way. 

~The Next Day~

I woke up, deciding that I needed to get on my feet and get through another day of doing nothing. I did the usual things and got on a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt with some flip-flops. I tied my hair in a loose ponytail and headed out the door with my wallet and phone. It was Saturday and it was my day off, and other than homework, I was free, so I decided to go to the mall. There was a huge crowd, I barely got parking.

As I was walking in, I felt chills run down my spine, realizing that I had run into literally my high school nightmare. I thought she left this town?!

Great, just great. "Ah, watch where you're going?" said a voice that was very familiar. "Yeah, got it" I said in a hurry, trying to get my way to the bathroom. Getting up, I would have never guessed running into. Way to go Adi..... of course you'll find her at the mall.

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