Chapter 8: Planning and Paralyzed

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As Sidharth, Riya and I got out of the music store, we got in the car. I was about to get into the drivers seat when Sidharth yelled out following behind... "Can I drive?!"

"Sure, as long as we don't run into the store" I said pointing to "Rock & Roll" and tossed him the car keys.

Riya started laughing softly at the comment I made. I smiled as I walked towards the passenger seat.

"I'm sure I probably won't do that, considering that I've been driving for about 9 years now." Sidharth shot back as we sat down in the car.

I just smirked while sitting down, unwinding onto the seat. I haven't sat since I started working in the morning, and it was already 2:00pm. Wow, 7 hours. I was starting to fall asleep, but suddenly got up by the starting of the car.






"Hey! There's a Subway! Let's go there! Please????" Riya said very much excited.

"Ok, I mean I guess" Sidharth and I said together.

I smiled and looked at him. Of, course, he did the same. Did he start liking me or something like that?! I mean, we were friends but did he start to have feelings for me? Oh well, I didn't even care right now to be honest, I was very hungry.


Riya was a nice girl. I'm glad that Adi got to see a friend that's been away from her for a long, long, time. Adi showed that she was happy, but she was very depressed in the inside, I didn't know why it broke my heart and made me tear up a little when she said her life story. I wanted to make her happy, to save her life. I don't know why.

I jumped a bit in my seat because of Riya yelling, "Hey! There's a Subway! Let's go there! Please????"

"Ok, I mean I guess" Adi and I said in unison.

I looked her smiling as she looked at me smiling. I knew I had feelings for her. Riya had been in the back and started awwing. Adi looked away....








We sat down with our sandwiches. Riya and I shared a foot long and Sidharth had a foot long. We also got chips and coke. As we ate, Riya and I discussed the sleepover plans for tonight while Sidharth ate his sandwich. I did want to talk to him, but I hadn't seen Riya in such a long time. He noticed me staring at him and gave me a face showing as if he knew what I was thinking about. I just nodded and started talking to Riya.

We headed back to the car with our drinks in our hands. We then dropped off Riya to music store.

"I'll come around 9:00pm since I get out at that time, if that's okay with you...." Riya asked.

"Um actually I get out of the liquor store, my second job, at 9. So can you come at 9:30pm? Also, is Taco Bell okay?" I asked questioning.

She stared at me since also didn't know that I had a second job. ''Okay that's fine... I might bring a friend, you both know each other! I'm not gonna tell you, it's a surprise."

"Great!! Can't wait to see her or him!! See you soon, now go before Roy yells at you for being late on the first day." I said laughing.

She ran out of the car and into the store. I sighed. It was so nice to see someone that you dearly loved, and on top of that, she was so supportive and didn't asked as many questions, when she didn't even know half of the things that was going on. But they all were going to get answered soon.

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