Chapter 30: Why Her?

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It's 2 weeks later. Things have been havoc ever since Aditi's accident. I've been going every night to the hospital staying with her along with Shanti, Varun, and Shahid. Oh and of course, let's not forget, ever so sweet Aloo. He's stupid, and still hasn't realized me, ever.

Aloo is freaking blind and he is like a potato. Not to mention how many times I've been held back from Varun so that way I don't punch him whenever he kissed her head or hand.

But, today I was at the store and got a call from the hospital before leaving to go there.

Aditi is awake.

I started jumping and running around the store, all customers giving me dirty looks.

I ran to the backroom and saw Shanti and Varun kissing.

"PG guys PG" I said.

They jumped apart but as soon as they did, I told them and they got very happy also, along with Riya who came out of the bathroom.


We were all 3 in the car. The rest of them were already at the hospital since Shanti, Riya, and I had to close up. As soon as we reached the hospital, I legit jumped out of the car and ran.

Out of breath, I reached the floor and room she was at. I hugged everyone that was there.

"I talked to her" Shahid said.

"And she's healthy." Isha jumped in.

I sighed deeply, "That's great really."

"I'm going to talk to her along with Varun, okay Sid?" Shanti asked while receiving a nod from me.

It took them a few minutes to talk to her. Seeing her smile through the window was the greatest thing.

As they came outside, I was about to go into the room when a nurse stopped me bye putting her hand on my chest.

"Sweetie, I have to give her a shot and let her change, then u can go see her."

odd how she looked so familiar. her blue eyes and dark brown hair made it even more hard to know if I knew her.

"Yeah" I said walking to the seats disappointed.


Bright lights.

Slowly opening my eyes I had been blinded by the light.

But turns out that's okay.

Minutes later, Varun and Shanti tumble into my room, literally.

"Why should you meet her first huh? She's like my sister and I've known her longer!" Shanti yelled at Varun.

"True but I'm like another brother to her okay! She loves me more!" he argued back.

"YOU BIG FAT LIER NO SHE LOVES ME MORE YOU LITTLE AS-" Shanti yelled back I beat her to it.

"Okay, let's not get so mean now please." I said softly.

They both jumped gasping, looking at me while holding onto each other.

"God, you guys are so weird." I said laughing as the came over to me.

"We know" Varun said.

"We thought your were asleep!" Shanti yelled hugging me tight but I moaned in pain as she squeezed my stomach.

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