How you meet-Calum

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You were lost in New York. Your mom was right. The city was HUGE. You were on your way to visit your aunt and was in a rush. You started running. Your aunt is strict when it comes to punctuality. You were already late since you stopped for coffee. All of sudden, your phone rings, signifying a text. You pull it out to read the text to only bump into someone. You look up to see a giant man standing before you. "Watch where you're going," he mumbled. An Australian accent laced his voice. "Sorry," you said, embarrassed. He was cute and you blew it. Like always. He chuckled as you began to blush. "It's all fine. But let me buy you coffee, unless you prefer fresh ground coffee," he said. He started laughing like he said the funniest thing ever. You didn't know what was going ont until you noticed your coffee was on the floor. It must have fell when you collided with him. "Oh.... I get it now," you said as you began laughing with him. "I'll take you up on that offer," you said as you smiled.

After you ordered your coffee, you sat down with this stanger. "What's your name," you asked. More like blurted. "Calum," he said. "And yours," he asked. "(Y/N)," you said. "That's a gorgeous name," he said. You felt akward. This beautiful man complimented you. That doesn't happen a lot. His phone rang and he picked it up. "Yeah, Mikey, I'm sorry. It's just that I had some,um, traffic. I'll be there soon. Please don't yell at me," he answered. He was being interrupted by the person on the other line constanly. "That was my bandmate. I have to go to an event. It was amazing to meet you. By the way, read the note on the napkin," he said. With that he walked off. You read the napkin as you blushed. "I loved talking to you. Here's my number: (***)***-**** Text or call. Whichever you prefer. I'll be waiting. -Calum," it read. It was so cute.

You went to your aunt's home and turned on your tv. The first channel it appeared on was MTV. You weren't keen on watching gossip filled shows, but they are great to listen to when your bored. "Hey guys what's up? I'm here with the Australian heart-throbs, 5 Seconds of Summer," she yelled. The audience screamed. "Now, let's begin with gossip. Calum! Who was the pretty girl you were spotted getting coffee with," she said excitedly. Your head snapped to the tv. You put up the volume and sat down, suddenly interested in the the program.

The band looked and Calum who was scratching his head nervously. "Yeah Calum. Who is she," Michael asked mischeviously. "Well, um, I met her on the way here. Her name is (Y/N). She's amazing," he said. You blushed like crazy. "Well, do you like her," the host asked bewildered."Well, do ya," Luke asked. "Well, yeah. I like her," he responded. "Ask her out then. Be a man," Ashton yelled. "I don't know if she likes me back," he said shyly. You grabbed your phone and texted him: Of course I like you! Don't be silly Mr. Hood. And yes I will go out with you. And yes I will be your girlfriend. And yes I will marry you (Just saving you the trouble of proposing ;*  -(Y/N) His phone rang. "It might be her. Read it," the host yelled. The boys started a chant of "Read it." Soon the room was filled with the chant. "Fine," Calum yelled. He read the text, smiled and tested you back: But you're worth the trouble of a proposal, don't you think? "You know some texts are meant to be read between two people," he said. He winked at the camera.  And that was the start of your relationship with Calum.

*****Guess who's in the Big Apple?!?!?! I am Super Excited. These four talented aussie giants are in the same city as me!!! I am fighting the urge to run down to Manhattan and creep up on them :3 I am hardcore fangirling right now. Anyway.... Alura out<3*****

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