How you meet- Preference

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*Calum's was an imagine. In fact, one of the first imagines in the book*

Ashton: You were running in the park by yourself. All of a sudden, a guys starts running next to you. His dirty blond curls bounced as he ran. He pointed at your headphones, signaling for you to take them out. "Hey, you looked a bit lonely so I decided to run with you, if that fine by you," he said. His voice was deep and hinted at an Australian accent. "Yeah, it's fine by me. But you really shouldn't walk up to strangers like that. They could mistake you for a stalker or something like that," you said. "Yeah, I learned the hard way," he said, pointing to a cut on his eyebrow. You laughed and quickly covered your mouth thinking that he would be offended. "Don't worry about laughing," he said, chuckling. "So why are you talking to me anyway, since I might be a 'creep'" he said, air quoting "creep". "Well, I know Krav Maga so I can whoop your ass if you try something," you said. He stopped running and quickly put his hands in the air in surrender. You stopped running and laughed at him. "And plus you have a more gentle vibe about you," you said. He jogged up to you and asked shyly, "Well, I have to go. I don't want to come on too strong, but can I have your number?" You smiled and traded numbers. He quickly ran off, but you realized that you didn't catch his name. "Wait, what's your name," you yelled after him. He didn't respond. Then, you then got a text.

'We should run together again sometime, yeah?

-"Stalker Runner" or commonly known as Ashton.'

Luke: You were walking in the city feeling lost. You were going to hang out with a few friends before heading to a concert. So you wore a black Paramore shirt with torn black jeans and combat boots. All of a sudden, a guy bumped into you, knocking you onto your butt. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, helping you up. When you got up, you fully took in the appearance of the stranger that knocked you down. His blond hair, his lip piercing, and his intense blue eyes. "It's fine," you said smiling, dusting yourself off. "So, I see you like Paramore," he said, trying to open up a conversation. "Yeah," you said, looking down at your shirt. "Well, I got two tickets to see them next week, and I'm wondering if you'd like to go with me. The friend I was supposed to bring bailed on me last minute," he said. His nervousness made his Aussie accent stronger. "Sure. I would love to," you said, smiling. He gave you his number. "Call me so we can meet up before the concert," he said. He started walking off, before saying, "By the way, my name is Luke." You quickly inputted his number into your phone and texted him. My name is (Y/N) to let you know. He quickly texted back. Well, (Y/N), concider the concert a date ;*

Michael: You were browsing through a video game when you saw the game you were looking for. Assassin's Creed: Black Flag. You ran for the game seeing it was the only copy in the store. Just as you touched it, someone else grabbed it. You looked up to see the owner in a shirt that said Idiot in bright green, which actually matched his hair. "Guess you're out of luck," he said cockily. An Australian accent laced his voice. You sneered at him. "Just Dance is over there. You got the wrong game. But I bet you were blinded by your bright ass hair," you spat. "Wow, that hurt," he said sarcastically. "Listen here asshat-" you started, but he cut you off. "I'll give you the game if you give me your gamer tag," he said. You looked at him bewildered. "You've got to be kidding," you said. "I just want to beat your ass in some video games, that's all. It'll be fun," he said. "More like I'll be beating your ass," you said. You wrote down your gamer tag on a post-it you keep with you and gave it to him as he gave you the game."We'll see about that," he said, winking. He walked out of the store and you quickly bought the game and raced home. You turned on your XBox to notice you got a message. 'Ready to get your ass whooped?' It said. You knew the account's owner instantly. 'Shouldn't I be asking you that?' you replied. 'My name's Michael, by the way,' he sent randomly. '(Y/N)'

*Sorry if these sucked!! It was ny first time and certainly won't be my last!! And requests are open!! Alura out <3*

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