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I’m on my way to meet Brad for coffee, thank God it’s Friday, I need a weekend off. This week has been intense on my emotions and I just want to sleep the days away. As I approach the café I can see hoards of teenage girls crowded around the entrance of the café, shit. They must know Brad is here, how am I supposed to have lunch with my boyfriend, which the fans don’t know about, when they’re all stood outside. I pull my phone out of my pocket and phone Brad. No answer. Great.

I make my way past the girls and towards the door of the café, but before I get too far a group of girls stop me.

‘Excuse you? You’re not pushing past us and meeting Brad first. We’ve been here for hours.’ I frown at them before formulating an answer.

‘Who? I’m here for coffee, I don’t even know who you’re speaking about.’ She looks at me less than convinced, but the glare I’m giving her stops her from arguing against me. When I eventually get into the café I search around for Brad, but he isn’t here. I check my phone. No texts, no calls, no nothing. What is he doing?

I sit alone for 15 minutes before I hear screams and yelling outside, he must be here. I purposely chose the table closest to the back in an attempt not to be seen. He walks into the café, but instead of sitting with me he sits at a table  a few feet away from me. I see him getting his phone out, so I do the same thing.

From: Bradley

Sorry about this, I’ll quickly drink this and then go and meet a few of them and hopefully they’ll clear out xxx

To: Bradley

No problem, I guess we just have to deal with this xx

He glances at me and smiles, there’s nothing I can do about it I just have to get on with it don’t I. I see him walk towards the door and start taking photos with all the girls; they’re wrapping themselves around him, kissing his cheeks. I know he’s used to it, but I’m not. This is so uncomfortable for me, I don’t know how much longer I can sit watching this. I stand up and exit the café pushing past all the fans, I see Brad look at me, but he can’t say anything so instead watches me walk away. I head back to work to finish my lunch and get on with everything that I have to do. I’ll talk to him later.

When I come out of work I’m bombarded with texts and calls from him, asking me if I’m okay, if I’m annoyed, what happened etc. I text him and tell him to meet me at my hotel so we can have the coffee we were supposed to have earlier. I’m not angry with him, it’s not his fault he’s famous, that’s what happens when you’re talented, he deserves it honestly. I just don’t know how much I can take of girls throwing themselves on to him, and touching him and kissing him.

I take my makeup off and put my hair up before changing into my onesie, I’m not in the mood to try and dress up for him. He arrives about 20 minutes after I text him saying to come here. I open the door and he plants a kiss on my lips. Taking my hands between his he walks me over to the bed and lays next to me, playing with my fingers between his own.

‘Why’d you leave earlier?’ he says looking at me from under his eyelashes.

‘We weren’t going to be able to sit and have a conversation, it was a waste of time Brad.’ I pause not wanting to continue the reason I left.

‘I know, I’m sorry; I don’t even know how they knew I was going to be there. Usually I wouldn’t have minded, but I knew it was going to make things difficult for us. Why else?’

‘Why do you think there’s another reason?’

‘Bella, I know you, something else is annoying you.’ I sigh and roll over so my back is pressed against his chest.

‘I don’t like the way they drape themselves all over you, I know they don’t know about me, but they should have some respect for you. It just makes me uncomfortable when they’re touching and kissing you. I don’t know. I’m being stupid.’

‘I understand babe, but you know that I only want you, you have nothing to worry about okay?’

‘Okay.’ We stay lying in this position for a few minutes before his phone stars ringing.

‘Hello… yep, really?... okay, yeah I understand. Great. Okay thankyou. Bye.’ He turns to me with a grin on his face.

‘I have to go out quickly, I’ll be back in about half hour.’ He kisses my temple before disappearing out of the room. What is going on?

Nearly half an hour later he turns up at my room, dressed head to toe in the American flag, he has the Statue of Liberty crown on his head, stars and stripes everywhere.

‘Wanna join me?’ I’m lost, is he saying do I want to dress like an idiot with him, or that I’m going to America with him?

‘Hope you have your passport Bella because a week tomorrow you’ll be on a plane with me, the boys and the girls to AMERICA!’ he runs past me and begins jumping up and down on the bed, reaching his hands out asking me to join him up there. He managed to do it, I have the final place! I can’t believe it. I jump on to the bed and grab his face between my hands, kissing him all over his face and hugging him until he collapses onto the bed.

‘Thankyou so much Brad, you don’t understand how happy I am.’

‘Me either, oh my god Bella, you’re going to be with me everyday on tour, I’m so happy baby.’ He kisses my cheeks. This is incredible and I hope this feeling lasts. He takes off all of the America gear and gets into bed with me. He lays with his body against me, his hands around my waist, placing soft kisses on the back of my neck. He does this until I fall asleep; I wake up several hours later and check the time, its 4am and Brad is still next to me. Looks like he’s staying the night then. I roll over so I’m facing him, his sleeping face is so adorable, his mouth is slightly open, soft snores exiting his mouth every few seconds. I kiss his forehead and nuzzle my head closer to him. He’s so warm and comforting, I fall back to sleep within minutes. I could get used to this.





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