chapter one - the beginning

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They never prepare us; for that thing called love. We know it's something we all want and need. To be loved and to love. Yet we never truly know how it is until we experience it first hand.

We were in love. Luke and I, or so I thought.

I loved him. So much. Truly and completely. Without a doubt. I loved him. But that's the thing about relationships. There is always one person who loves more deeply. And that person was me, unfortunately.

It all started in December of 2017.

Luke and I had met through some mutual friends online and the fact that he lived in another state didn't bother me. We automatically clicked and became the best of friends. We never spoke too much but when we did it was great. Whenever he would come online, I would feel my happiest.

Two months passed by and it was around February of 2018. He had been dating someone that wasn't good for him and we both knew it and even though I was beginning to develop feelings for Luke, I was always there as his friend to give him advice and be a shoulder to lean on.

Soon enough, I came to terms of how I had been feeling. I knew I probably had a tiny crush on him, but now it had grown. I was jealous that he was with someone else and I spoke to my friends about it. My friends who knew him of course.

I liked him. A lot. And I wanted to be with him. He was my best friend and 100% my type all around, and it was very hard to meet my standards. Soon enough, after my friends hinting to him that we would be great together and him breaking up with his girlfriend, the exact conversation that I had been waiting for came up.

Luke : "hey, so mia thinks that we would be a great couple. do you know where that came from? I said it may not be a good idea because of the distance even though you are so beautiful and the sweetest girl. what do you think about it?"

Serenity : "oh, mia spoke to you? whoa. I mean, yeah not going to lie, the idea isn't horrible. I don't even think you'd like me in that way..."

Luke is typing ....


Hey guysss, it's jan, here's the beginning of a new story lolol.  hope you all enjoy. Xoxo


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