chapter three - my world

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I think first love's make the greatest impact. They show you that you can love someone else in an indescribable way. You can love everything about someone and it shows you how amazing it feels to be wanted. To be someone else's.

It was fun. Being with Luke. We were both young still, him being only 15 and me being 17. But I have always been the type of person to know exactly what I want and need in my life and he knew that. He was mature for his age, and so was I. We always talked about our future together.

The whole thing.

Kids, a house with a white fence, marriage, a dog, names for our kids. It felt like a real possibility and I felt so happy about that.

We spoke about him moving to Seattle for college. Me becoming a nurse and him becoming a psychologist. It wasn't a dream, it was a goal that felt like a dream because it was so beautiful. The idea of us getting married and starting a family, was my dream and end goal.

Time passed and we had been dating for about 3.5 weeks now, almost a month. The time span was short but because of how close we were and because of how much we loved one another, it felt like we had been together for months.

And then came April of 2018.

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