chapter two - the start

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I think that things in your life do happen for a reason and I think that people come into your life for a reason. I definitely do think I was always meant to meet Luke. If I hadn't come online at that exact time and day, I would've never met him. Which amazes me because I cannot even picture my life without him.

—— (Resuming text convo)
Luke: "I mean, i'm not opposed to the idea. I do think it would be difficult because it would be long distance."

And since that one text in the Spring of 2018, Luke and I officially started dating March 19th 2018 after a drunken night of him expressing how much he cared about me. And it was incredible.

The late night FaceTime calls. The falling asleep on call together. The nights of us just laughing at anything and everything together. The deep conversations. The flirty conversations. Him playing his guitar and singing to me. Him singing me to sleep.

It was amazing. And I knew the exact moment that I loved him. We were on call, he was playing his guitar for me and singing Falling by Iration. Which would soon be our song. I remember just sitting back and thinking "How did I get so lucky?".

He said "I love you" first. And I remember being hesitant to say it, because despite being 2 years older than him, I hadn't ever been in love with someone. It was a scary thought. But I did know I loved him. I knew I wanted a future with him and I knew he was my one in 7 billion, as cliché as that sounds.

I loved him. With my whole heart. And he was my first love.

My friends would say "Serenity, don't you think you're rushing things with him? Do you really love him?" And it wouldn't bug me. We had been best friends for months beforehand so it's not surprising that I fell for him quickly.

He was everything to me. His eyes. His lips. His voice. His hair. His body. His confidence. His compassion. How much he loved me. How much he cared for people. Everything about him, I adored it all.

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