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I felt my hands shake as I looked at my phone.

Why can't people just leave me alone? I don't want to go to this party. At first I did, but I was telling everyone like Hope and Dean I didn't want to. I was lying to them about it, now I'm lying to myself, telling myself I want to go.

I don't want to go. I'm sorry Macy, but it's not happening. That's what I had messaged her, now I'm reading her text.

Don't be a pussy.

I'm not a pussy!

I can't. I promised Hope I won't attend any more parties.

I had replied to her.

I don't want any more excuses. I'm coming over now to kidnap you.

Oh no.

Isn't the party tomorrow?

I waited for her answer as I picked up my handbag and car keys.

"Mum, I'm heading out!" I called out to her as I stepped out the door.

"Okay dear."

"I don't know when I'll be back." I yelled as I got to my car, unlocking it. Finally I got a reply from her.

Yes but I'm getting you now!

Ha! I replied to her text.

I'm not home. Sorry

I threw my phone in my bag and drove off. Oh God, I've gotta get away. I don't want to go, I don't want to face Macy, because she'll drag me there, then Roman will drag me out and oh!

My eyes widened as I sped off to the city.


I knocked on the familiar door and threw it open. I walked hastily to the large desk. I saw Roman looking surprised to see me not only in his office, but in his building.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me casually, that nearly blew me down.

I went straight up to him, stopping right next to where he sat and placed my phone on the table.

He looked at me to my phone. I saw a look flash on his face. Was that surprise? Satisfaction?

"Take it." I told him as I stepped back. Okay now I don't have it, I can't cave in to Macy. Now I need to go somewhere to hide. Maybe Dean's? No, that will be the next place she will look for me.

"I need it away from me." I stuttered at him. I must have left him stunned because he was looking at me weirdly. "Right." That one is done. I turned on my heel and I had only managed to take a couple steps when I felt a hand take mine.

There was no pulling, no dragging, no tightened grip. I turned to Roman, my hand in his. It's not the first time I've held his hand, but it is the first time I've felt his hand take mine in a caring matter.

I turned completely to Roman, letting him keep my hand.

"What's bothering you?"

I didn't know if this was the same Roman I've known in the past two and a half months.

"Excuse me?" I asked in astonishment. "I think I should say what's wrong with you?" I had thrown him off his mental balance. "You always yell at me. Telling me what I can and can't do. Your mean and cruel. But, now you're being nice and caring and gentle."

I shook my head as my hand slipped out off his. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have disturbed you. I just needed, that phone, I need it away from me. I have to go." I turned back to the door but Roman walked in front of me, putting his hand on the door, preventing me from opening it.

"I can yell if you want me to, princess." Roman said to me darkly as I heard the door lock. "Now tell me why you're here and why you're forfeiting your life support."

I lowered my eye brows. "That's not my life support." Not any more. I looked at Roman, who had no intention of moving.

I slumped my shoulders as I released my breathe. I may as well tell him. Something isn't right and it made me feel uncomfortable. I moved to the small lounge suite that was placed between the door and his large desk, as I sat down on the long dark grey sofa.

"I have a friend. She is hell bent on getting me to go somewhere. She was on her way to my place to pick me up. I left before she got there. She was going to get me to take me to," I looked at my fingers in my lap as I played with my nails. "a party."

I waited for the yelling, but it never came. So I continued talking. "She wants to take me to a party and I've been trying so hard to say no to her. To be honest I don't want to go any more. I don't want this in my life any more. I don't want the world knowing me."

I felt so light and refreshed after I said that. I had repeated those exact words to myself, to Hope, to Dean, but I didn't feel like I do now.

I felt, happy. Like I had finally made myself happy.

My phone suddenly rang, making me jump.

Roman went over to it and answered. I grimaced as I waited and listened.

"Sorry, but no. Grace has other plans." Roman hung up and placed the phone down.

He actually helped me.

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